Monday, September 30, 2019

Exploration Proposal Pop Art

Exploration ProposalI hope to explore the images of comic strips consumerism and symbolism in pop art that have been influenced in our everyday lives and how the mass media, advertising and popular culture are portrayed through pop art. One of the greatest iconic pop culture artists Andy Warhol suggests â€Å"I like boring things† this is a broad indication of a part of how pop culture is based on. It exposes how objects in everyday life can be right in front of us and we as people don’t think twice about what we are using. For example, Andy Warhol creates a wooden sculpture and painting based on the simplicity of ‘Campbell’s tomato soup’ an item he had been consuming for over 20 years frequently. I began to see interest in the field of pop art when I was at a younger age I was surrounded by it due to the mass media, constant advertisement imagery and basically elements of consumerism which created connection between the people.I was inspired to con tinue this art form as it drives my passion; it stems my love for consumerism. People can appreciate everyday objects and bright colours the same way as it derives me. I aim to experiment with a range of materials and techniques throughout my exploration in pop art. Digital photography was by far the most loved personally in my pervious Unit 1 carried in Studio Arts. It is an art media that I can place my skills to use and excel at. A digital single-lens reflex camera was the tool used to photograph objects and the photographs were further transferred into an editorial suite (Adobe Photoshop) and were manipulated to create a completely new picture. This technique can further be perused in creating pop art as there are a vast amount of filters found in editorial suites alongside blending pictures, masking, colour and picture correcting and abstracting of photos.Silver gelatin photography is another photographic process, however required more manual work. Strategies are used to create the desired pictures required such as amount of light exposure and how long chemicals should be run through. Pop art collages could be perfectly executed with this medium. Acrylic paint and water colour were two materials I continued to suffer with. However, I am looking to immensely improve and adapt them so I can incorporate the two materials into my pop art collaborative pieces. One thing I picked up from in Unit 1 was that it’s best to think creatively outside the box, extending ideas that come to mind to create a whole new level.Andy Warhol 100 CANS, 1962 Oil on canvas 72 x 52 inches (182.9 x 132.1 cm)The Campbell’s Soup Cans painting carries historical significance and represents what was happening in America during the 1960s. America had become an industrial culture in which products, machinery, and food were being mass-produced, and it seemed that everything was a commodity. Andy Warhol wanted to acknowledge this phenomenon in his art. He wanted us not to focu s on the composition of his work, but rather the idea behind it. The idea here is that the mundane, like a can of soup, matters. In addition, the use of repetitive imagery and mechanical processes creates an illusion that art can be mass produced and consumed by everyone. Warhol used the same shapes, dull colours and lines to create his image. The pattern that was created has a rhythm, but also repetition because each of the elements is repeated over and over in a recognisable organisation. I can potentially transfer these art elements and principles into making my own artwork that serves consumerism with my own product.Roy Lichtenstein Hopeless, 1963 Oil on Canvas Dimensions 118cm by 111.8cmRoy Lichtenstein’s comic images of girls with speech balloons was a major trend in the 1960s It contains vibrant colours with bold and wavy lines to add emotion to the scene. I would like to potentially use vibrant colours in collaboration with acrylic paint to express emotions in my own art pieces or create subliminal messages that entail emotion to the viewers. Colours and emotions can be used in different parts of the background to present mixed feelings or different views in the image.Richard Hamilton 1956, Just what is it that makes today’s homes so different, so appealing Collage Dimensions: 26cm by 24.8cmJust what is it that makes today’s homes so different, so appealing? Literally elevates kitsch to high art, as symbolized by the framed comic book cover against the wall. The body builder on the left and naked woman on the right symbolise the commodification of the human form into just another business transaction—something to be marketed to relentlessly, idealised in the name of selling deodorant and toothpaste. All of these things in the collage are placed in the artwork composition for a reason ‘nothing was an accident’. Each object was thoughtfully placed to symbolise and have a meaning. I can use this same methodology in my own work by adding many digital/silver gelatin photos and other mixed media in creating collages to build me own theme and representations in advertising or symbolism.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Principles of Management Essay

â€Å"The managers role is critical to helping facilitate the establishment of effective peer review structures and processes. † GEORGE, V. , & HAAG-HEITMAN, B. (2011). Without a responsible and effective manager there wouldn’t be a huge camaraderie in the work place environment. A manager is an inspiration for work ethic and helps others be motivated to strive for the best. Managers also delegate the work load and make sure the employees stay on task and accomplish their tasks in a safe and timely manner. The manager needs to be the motivator to get things completed so that the business is ran smoothly. Managers do have an advantage because they really don’t have to motivate someone but being a leader you have to know different techniques to getting things done in a fun or motivating way so they have to have a good imagination or be great at thinking outside the box. The manager also needs to make sure he/she has things organized so that things can be accessed easily or even dealt with easily rather than being constantly confused. Communication and organization go hand in hand for managers. Three traits that are important to have to be an effective manager would be communication motivation and organization. Communication because if they can’t go out of the way to talk to their employees then things will get a bit confusing and will cause issues in the work place. Motivation because without a motivator there’s no push to get things done since there’s little inspiration. Organization because you need to have your ducks in a row to make sure things are done correctly and in the right fashion. Otherwise, without these three traits, being a manager would be quite hard. Many things are needed to be able to talk to your employees and explain what needs to be done as well as giving them the push to get it done correctly. When you have all your â€Å"ducks† or ideas in a row it helps you make better decisions and get things done in a faster fashion. Having everything where they are supposed to be makes everything that much easier to access. For instance if there is a problem with a manager and an employee regarding how long a lunch break is, then if you know where the hand book is you can grab it and tell them exactly how long as well as telling the employee the reasons why as well. Not to mention if you have everything organized and done as well then you won’t be bombarded with this argument so you can have complete focus on it. Organizational habits make the work place less stressful which helps with making good decisions. The four functions of management are planning, organizing, directing, and controlling. Many different things are thought out and gone through in order to really grasp the order to manage properly. Some people can do this on the whim of their day but others have to go thru the process to make sure everything is done correctly step by step. Planning is the first step because it gets the core information out like the who what where when why and how of things. Then you have to organize your information to really look at what needs to be handled and what to tackle first. Once things are in place and you know your next moves you then the manager sets out to do his job and points others into the right direction. Managers know what they can and can’t do and how much money they have to play with in order to get it done. When this is done correctly managers can use this tactical advantage with many things like learning what the economy is wanting to get it out on the market to even selling them something promising that will be the next big thing. To perform the four managerial tasks efficiently and effectively, organizations group or differentiate their managers in two main ways – by level in hierarchy and by type of skill. † (Jones, G. , & George, J. 2011) Managers have to be head strong and know what needs to be accomplished. A manager is an inspiration for work ethic and helps others be motivated to strive for the best. Managers also delegate the work load and make sure the employees stay on task and accomplish their tasks in a safe and timely manner.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Financial statement auditing analysis Case Study

Financial statement auditing analysis - Case Study Example This essay seeks to examine five areas of heightened audit risk relating to the audit of the Havelock Company under study. As a point of departure, the management commentary on credit and liquidity risks indicates existence of unsound control systems on revenues and the general expenditure of the company. This study will focus on the profitability, liquidity, financial leverage, working capital and valuation ratios. These instruments are essentially the reflection of the company’s financial position in terms of control system management. This follows that; analytical examination of the ratios will play a fundamental role in exhibiting the potential risks areas of Havelock Company (RODGERS, 2007). These ratios include Gross profit margin, Operating margin and net profit margin. These ratios aid in investigating profitability status of an organization through comparison of the income aspects with sales. This follows that, upon examining and comparing Havelock Company’s profitability ratios of 2011 and 2012, auditing assumptions will be made consequently, identifying the possible risk audit areas (VOGEL, 2007). The gross margin profit implies that the amount of sales revenue which remains after the cost of goods. The ratios above indicate the in 2011 the sales revenue left was significantly low compared to 2013. There is a shift from -0.36 to 0.07. This tells the auditors that the significant change should be widely investigated, particularly on the element of sales. The significant rate of the sales revenue remained might be investigated based on sale of goods of other brands from outside, hence creating a backlog of the company’s goods. This is a potential audit area for Havelock Company, which might be attributed to issues of disclosure (VOGEL, 2007). These ratios aid in establishing the company’s capacity to meet its short-term debts. The current ratio for Havelock went down from 5.43 in 2011 to 2.88 in 2012. This implies that the

Friday, September 27, 2019

Toyota Prius Marketing Campaign Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Toyota Prius Marketing Campaign - Essay Example Private owners and fleet owners have been selected as the target audience. The private owners belong to the affluent and prosperous middle class. This segment is highly conscious of factors like performance, cost, reliability, and efficiency. Fleet owners desire a product that has reduced operational and maintenance costs. Advertising, public relations, and direct marketing have been selected as the communication methods due to their broader reach, loyal customer base, and flexibility in advertising content. Television, newspapers, outdoor billboards, and email marketing are the appropriate mediums for advertisement and promotion. The direct marketing strategy will encompass various activities and processes. At the basic level, market research will be conducted about the consumer segments. Toyota has identified private owners and fleet buyers as the main segments which will be penetrated and researched. The first part of the implementation should seek to collect the statistics on the behavior, lifestyle, and attitudes of consumer segments. Market research will help Toyota to capitalize on its strengths in order to overcome limitations. A multifaceted and multidirectional strategy will help to produce superior business outcomes. Advertising, direct marketing, and public relations have been selected as the communication methods for promoting Toyota Prius.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Biblical Model for Discipleship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Biblical Model for Discipleship - Essay Example Applying Paul’s ministry to this week’s lesson on the â€Å"Biblical Model for Discipleship†, I have realized that obeying God and being a faithful servant of His is simple. It can basically be summed up to – A change of heart, a change of life. According to Michael Mitchell, in his book, â€Å"Leading, Teaching, and Making Disciples†, the Biblical model for discipleship could be achieved in as easy as four steps – Accepting God’s words; Listen and Apply; Study God’s word to gain more understanding; and lastly, Walking in the ways of Good Men (Mitchell, Michael R., Leading, Teaching, and Making Disciples). In studying the book of Philippians, a book written by Paul in his journey to win the people of Philippi to God, we can see Paul’s practical approach in ministering to the Philippians that are as 1 practical as the four steps of discipleship suggested by Michael Mitchell. To get a clearer background of what he did, it i s best to look at the verses of Philippians 4: 1-2 which says, â€Å"Therefore, my brothers and sisters, you whom I love and long for, my joy and crown, stand firm in the Lord in this way, dear friends! 2  I plead with Euodia and I plead with Syntyche to be of the same mind in the Lord.† (Bible Gateway, Philippians 4 NIV). We can see that Paul started his teaching to the Philippians by directing them to having a heart and mind that is in line with God’s will. We all know that our hearts and minds direct us towards certain actions that may or may not be pleasing to God. The danger of sin only happens when we set plans in our lives without consulting God first. Thus, Paul urges the Philippians here to start their walk with God by teaching their hearts and minds to get to know who God really is and what He wants us to do, so obedience would be easier and purposeful, knowing that despite the rocky roads you are sent to take, you know you are on your way to giving God the glory He deserves. This complements the first model of discipleship which is to accept God’s word and having faith to do it. Also, in Philippians 4: 5-7, that says, â€Å"Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! 5  Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. 6  Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus†, we can see that Paul encourages the Philippians to listen and apply God’s teachings even when it seems impossible or unreasonable at times, parallel to Mitchell’s second model for discipleship. We all know that in our Christian life, it is easy to hear God’s word and 2 accept them as truth. However, the challenge for us is greatly seen in how well we stick to what we know and actually obey God despite persecutio ns, inconvenience, and doubt. Today, especially when the world presents so much good things that are not necessarily pleasing to God, the only way we can fight temptation is to cling onto God’s word and promises, and rely on His grace to help us withstand it all. To sum up Paul’

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Accurate Business Forecasting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Accurate Business Forecasting - Essay Example The paper analyses the aftermath of a poor forecasting and the success of good forecasting. It explains aspects concerning the platform of business operation, the means for executing the operation, and the levels of desired achievement. It details survival methodologies in a changing market and political scenario. It gives a macro outlook towards the key indicators that should be considered before venturing into a business on building construction. It encompasses almost all vital areas of business that play a role for the success and growth of the company. Why is Business forecasting important when we cannot predict the future? The answer to the question is to evaluate risks that can arise from every angle and prepare to counter them and reduce damage to business as much as possible. However, there is no forecast that is 100% right. All business forecasters strive to achieve the 99.9%. There is another side to the coin here. A business ventured with no sense of forecast can be a total failure at a very early stage. In other words forecasting sets goals for a business. The company strives for its goal and carries out its task according to a well-drawn plan based on the forecast. Building construction is an industry, which involves high amount of planning, huge capital, and careful execution .... Broadly, the company needs to analyze and accurately forecast the following three factors. Firstly, Market analysis and trend forecast. Secondly, Forecast of the company's top line and bottom line numbers, the so-called targets for growth on quality and quantity. Thirdly, Financial Analysis and the prediction of the underlying changes in the macro economy. Market Analysis and Trend forecast: This is the central nervous system of any construction company. As a start up company, it is very important to select the area of operation or to be precise the exact geography, where they propose to start and speed up business. Estimating the current demand for construction, and what would be the expected demand for future construction and the growth of competition. Market analysis and trend forecast (continued) 4 What will be the expected turn in the market condition in the geography of operation, the availability of land, the expected market potential, and how much of the pie will the company own in the future. 'Pioneer builders' a construction company chose nearly four years ago analyzed the market trend in the state of California and picked San Diego as its base of operation, as it could not afford stiff competition in cities like Los Angeles. The city of San Diego had good potential for future construction especially, a rising demand for residential construction. The company analyzed and focused its target segment and was able to drive sales and reap profits in their first project, based on the market forecast. Soon they acquired land for combined residential construction and the growing demand in the city got them better business. The company had analyzed data of almost six different prospective cities

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

HRMT19020 - Managing Organisational Change Assignment

HRMT19020 - Managing Organisational Change - Assignment Example Employees resist change because of the comfort they derive from the known and the fear of the unknown that accompanies such change. Anxiety on the effects of change on the employee’s performance, position, relationship with other employees and a number of job related factors (Hede and Bovey, 2001a). True value food processing company through its senior manager has indicated their desire to change the operational mode and the conditions upon employment. According to Chan Baker, the company plans to introduce multi-skilling for its employees especially the non-salaried employees to improve the company’s profitability and efficiency. Multi-skilling is the development of a single employee by training him/her on different areas of operations within an organization. An organization that adopts multi-skilling practice gives preference to employees who have a wide range of skills or knowledge that can enable them work in different. Multi-skilled employees are a big asset to an organization as they increase productivity, efficiency and innovation in an organization. This approach also reduces the need for the organization to employee more people, which is cost ineffective, and generally unproductive (Hede and Bovey, 2001b). ... The section managers in the organisation are also expected to show some level of resistance to the plans of the senior manager. This report highlights some of the approaches that Mr Baker can adopt to ensure that he counters such cases of resistance adequately without interfering with the operations of the processor. It finally provides detailed consultancy advice on how best Mr Baker can manage this important organisational initiative and reaps great results from the changes. Each approach provided will be explained using relevant examples, which can be safely applied to the situation at hand. Background information and case study Implementing this program at true value food processing company will obviously generate resistance from s number of employees. Such resistance to this kind of change will retard any progress towards implementing this policy. As a custom across many countries and economies across the world, employees focus in one area of expertise and perfect their skills i n such areas. It is rare to find a graduate who can operate a bakery, make the dough and be able to service the machines at the same time. Multi-skilled employees are however required to be able to address different tasks as need may arise even those that outside their professions. Employees who are already working with true value processing plant will therefore resist any attempt to employ others who are considered as multi-skilled. This is because most of them fear they may lose their positions because of redundancy in the organization. Multi-skilled employees increase the levels of redundancy and they can be used as a viable reason to lay off some members of the

Monday, September 23, 2019

English Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

English - Research Paper Example In this paper, I will seek to prove that Franz Kafka’s work has been to some extent influenced (directly or indirectly) by A Thousand and One Nights (Kafka, The Metamorphosis 67). The Research To come up with this, I had to do a lot of in depth research on all books and writers. This required me to re-read the book, A Thousand and One Nights, first. Next, I researched on the themes of the various books and the stylistic devices employed by the two writers in their books. I read reviews, journals, documentaries and watched movies made from all of the books mentioned above. While most of what I read seemed to confirm my idea, most materials did not share this idea, and I had to differ from them. The main challenge I encountered in my research is that no previous material has been written regarding this topic. As such, I had to start my research from scratch to confirm my ideas. This required extensive and intense reading which kept me awake for days. Luckily, the two books have many reviews on themes and stylistic devices, and I was lucky to refer to them (Foulkes 23). The comparison Transformation as the main theme In my research, I discovered that transformation has been employed in changing the behavior and attitude of the characters. In A Thousand and One Nights, the story of The Merchant and Hind has transformation as a major theme. This is observed when the witch’s wife goes on a journey leaving his witch-wife with the adopted son. The witch-wife, who is extremely ungrateful, uses her witchcraft to transform the adopted son into a calf. She also goes ahead to transform her husband’s other wife into a cow. When the husband returns, the witch informs him that his adopted son disappeared while his slave woman passed on. In the next eight months, the woman remained in the state of a cow without the husband having any idea about it. During the feat of Bairam, the husband asked the servant to choose any fat cow for their sacrifice. The cow he chose turned out to be her beloved wife. Although the woman was now transformed into a cow, she still possessed human consciousness. She lowed piteously in a bid to beg for mercy. â€Å"With eyes streaming with tears†. The husband tried to kill her but was unable. The servant killed her. Upon slaughtering her, they discovered that she was nothing but bones and skin, despite looking so fat. In Metamorphosis, the main character, Gregor Samsa wakes up to find himself transformed into an insect (Kafka 13). This transformation serves to change his entire family. Prior to this, they all depended on him for their financial needs. However, when he becomes an insect and can no longer work, they are forced to start working to earn their own money. The similarity between this transformation and the transformation of the woman in the story above shows that Kafka borrowed from A Thousand and One Nights (O'Neill Pp. 408-409). Use of animal characters One of the aspects used in poetry is t he use of animal characters. This helps to criticize human characters in a more acceptable and friendly way (Sperling Pp. 70-84). â€Å"The Husband and The Parrot† is one of the stories in A Thousand and One Nights that uses animal characters. In the story, the wife offends her good husband. The parrot is aware of this and tells the husband of this offence. The husband scolds the wife. To revenge this act, the woman lies to the parrot that it was raining. The parrot informs the

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Fate and free will Essay Example for Free

Fate and free will Essay Fate is described as the power that determines the outcome of events before they occur, while free will is the act of freedom towards a decision. Oedipuss fate was determined before he was born, yet he took it into his own free will to end up the way he did.  The role of fate was simple; Oedipus would kill his father and marry his mother. Oedipus tried to prevent his fate by running away from his alleged parents, but the gods would still cause a catastrophe in Oedipuss life. The powers of the gods determined the events that occurred, such as, him marrying his actual mother and killing his father. One example of Oedipuss free will was the fact that he took it upon himself to travel from Corinth to Thebes so that he would not have the opportunity to kill his adopted father and marry his adopted mother. Another example of Oedipus showing free will arose when he killed Laius. He could have let Laius pass without any confrontation but instead killed him over who would pass in the street first. This caused a lot of turmoil in Thebes and nervous tension in Oedipuss life. Oedipus utilized his free will by not listening to people who told him his fate; for example, when Tiresias told Oedipus his fortune, that he would kill his father and marry his mother, Oedipus immediately brushed him off and condemned him. Before Oedipus stabbed his eyes out, he proclaimed, you shall not see me nor my crime, not see my present shame, go dark for all time blind. He took it upon himself to thrust his eyes out. He did this because he couldnt bare the shame of his life and he did not want to see what h is life would transpire to be. While the outcome was predetermined, Oedipus used his free will to determine how the events leading to the outcome would happen. The gods knew what would happen to Oedipus in the end, but did not take it upon themselves to make it occur. The act of Oedipus actually killing Laius, his real father, and marrying his mother, was his act of free will even though the outcome of the event was already predestined. While Oedipus tried to find out his true identity and find the killer of Laius he only tried to prevent his downfall once, in the beginning of the play and that was by leaving Corinth to get away from his assumed parents. During his reign he did not try to prevent his downfall. If he wanted to prevent his ruin he could have found out the truth secretly or he could have taken it upon himself to look for Laiuss killer or he could have kept the news to himself and no one would have ever known. In conclusion, fate and free will took place in the play. The gods knew what would happen to Oedipus and however Oedipus determined him self is how it would occur. It leads to wonder if our lives are head by free will or fate or if they go hand and hand.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Biography of William Shakespeare Essay Example for Free

Biography of William Shakespeare Essay It is known that he was born in April 1564 and that he died on 23rd April 1616 at the age 52. He was baptized on 26th April 1564. How fitting that the great English writer is so closely identified with the patron saint of England. Shakespeare had seven siblings. They were: Joan (1558); Margaret (1562); Gilbert (1566); Joan II (1569); Anne (1571); Richard (1574) and Edmund (1580). Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway when he was 18. She was 26 and she was pregnant when they got married. Their first child was born six months after the wedding. Shakespeare and Anne Hathaway had three children together – a son, Ham net, who died in 1596, and two daughters, Susanna and Judith. His only granddaughter Elizabeth – daughter of Susanna – died childless in 1670. Shakespeare therefore has no descendants. Shakespeare died a rich man. He made several gifts to various people but left his property to his daughter, Susanna. The only mention of his wife in Shakespeares own will is: â€Å"I give unto my wife my second best bed with the furniture†. The â€Å"furniture† was the bedclothes for the bed. Shakespeare was buried in the Holy Trinity Church, Stratford-upon-Avon. He put a curse on anyone daring to move his body from that final resting place. His epitaph was: Good friend for Jesus’ sake forbear, To dig the dust enclosed here: Blest be the man that spares these stones, And curst be he that moves my bones. Though it was customary to dig up the bones from previous graves to make room for others, Shakespeare’s remains are still undisturbed. During his life, Shakespeare wrote 37 plays and 154 sonnets! This means an average 1. 5 plays a year since he first started writing in 1589. His last play The Two Noble Kinsmen is reckoned to have been written in 1613 when he was 49 years old. While he was writing the plays at such a pace he was also conducting a family life, a social life and a full business life, running an acting company and a theatre. Few people realize that apart from writing his numerous plays and sonnets, Shakespeare was also an actor who performed many of his own plays as well as those of other playwrights. During his life Shakespeare performed before Queen Elizabeth I and, later, before James I who was an enthusiastic patron of his work. Shakespeare’s profession was acting. He is listed in documents of 1592, 1598 and 1603 as an actor. We know that he acted in a Ben Jonson play and also in his own plays but it’s thought that, as a very busy man, writing, managing the theatre and commuting between London and his home in Stratford where is family was, he didn’t undertake big parts. There is evidence that he played the ghost in Hamlet and Adam in As You Like It. In Elizabethan theatre circles it was common for writers to collaborate on writing plays. Towards the end of his career Shakespeare worked with other writers on plays that have been credited to those writers. Other writers also worked on plays that are credited to Shakespeare. We know for certain that Timmons of Athens was a collaboration with Thomas Middleton; Pericles with George Wilkins; and The Two Noble Kinsmen with John Fletcher. Some scholars have maintained that Shakespeare did not write the Shakespeare plays, with at least fifty writers having been suggested as the â€Å"real† author. However, the evidence for Shakespeare’s having written the plays is very strong. Shakespeare is the second most quoted writer in the English language – after the various writers of the Bible. Suicide occurs an unlucky thirteen times in Shakespeare’s plays. It occurs in Romeo and Juliet where both Romeo and Juliet commit suicide, in Julius Caesar where both Cassius and Brutus die by consensual stabbing, as well as Brutus’ wife Portia. Some of Shakespeare’s signatures have survived on original documents. In none of them does he spell his name in what has become the standard way. He spells it Shakespere and Shakespear. Shakespeare lived a double life. By the seventeenth century he had become a famous playwright in London but in his hometown of Stratford, where his wife and children were, and which he visited frequently, he was a well known and highly respected businessman and property owner. The American President Abraham Lincoln was a great lover of Shakespeare’s plays and frequently recited from them to his friends. His assassin, John Wilkes Booth was a famous Shakespearean actor. Although it was illegal to be a Catholic in Shakespeare’s lifetime, the Anglican Archdeacon, Richard Davies of Litchfield, who had known him wrote some time after Shakespeare’s death that he had been a Catholic. Candles were very expensive in Shakespeare’s time so they were used only for emergencies, for a short time. Most writers wrote in the daytime and socialized in the evenings. There is no reason to think that Shakespeare was any different to his contemporaries. It was illegal for women and girls to perform in the theatre in Shakespeare’s lifetime so all the female parts were written for boys. The text of some plays like Hamlet and Antony and Cleopatra refer to that. It was only much later, during the Restoration, that the first woman appeared on the English stage. There are only two Shakespeare plays written entirely in verse: they are Richard II and King John. Many of the plays have half of the text in prose. Shakespeare wrote many more plays than the ones we know about. It’s certain that he wrote a play titled Cardenas, which has been lost, but scholars think he wrote about twenty that have gone without a trace. Shakespeare’s shortest play, The Comedy of Errors is only a third of the length of his longest, Hamlet, which takes four hours to perform. Two of Shakespeare’s plays, Hamlet and Much Ado About Nothing, have been translated into Klingon. The Klingon Language Institute plans to translate more. All Uranus’ satellites are named after Shakespearean characters. William Shakespeare’ is an anagram of ‘I am a weakfish speller’. Shakespeare’s original grave marker showed him holding a bag of grain. Citizens of Stratford replaced the bag with a quill in 1747. William Shakespeare was an English poet and playwright, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the worlds pre-eminent dramatist. He is often called Englands national poet and the Bard of Avon.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Exploring Geology In Movies Film Studies Essay

Exploring Geology In Movies Film Studies Essay Do you know what geology is all about? Geology is the study of the Earth, the materials of which it is made, the structure of those materials, and the processes acting upon them. It includes the study of organisms that have inhabited our planet. the most important part of geology is the study of how Earths materials, structures, processes and organisms have changed over time. What about movies? Have you ever heard about it? Surely all people in the entire world know what movie is. Movie can be defined as a form of entertainment that enacts a story by sound and a sequence of images giving the illusion of continuous movement but how it is related to geology? Since decades ago a lot of geology-related movies were published. Surprisingly, some of these kinds of movies was so outstanding and became box office. These are some examples of movies that are related to geology. If we are talking about asteroids, there are two most popular movies about asteroid impact which are Armageddon and Deep Impact. Both movies were released in 1998 and it is about a decade ago yet still gets attention until today. In Armageddon, the Space Shuttle Atlantis is destroyed by a meteor shower, while they are fixing a satellite in orbit. The entire crew was died. Then, meteorites bombard New York City and several other parts of the world, and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) discovers that an asteroid the size of Texas, traveling at 22,000 miles per hour, will collide with Earth in 18 days and will destroy the planet. It is crystal clear that Armageddon is a geology-related movie since it is about asteroid. Besides, Deep Impact is about the pos sible extinction of human life after a comet is discovered headed toward within a year. Humans have to prepare for their survival as a comet is on a collision course with earth. Unluckily, only eight hundred thousand people were randomly selected to be saved in order to keep the human race alive. Another type of geology-movie is about global change. In 2004, The Day After Tomorrow which is about climate change and in 2003, The Core which is about global magnetism was released. As well as the movie about asteroid impact, this kind of movie is also get great attention from public since the narration of these movies is much related to human being. In summary, The Day After Tomorrow is a look at what the world would look like if the greenhouse effect and global warming continued. The main character of the story is a paleoclimatologist, Professor Jack Hall. A paleoclimatologist is a scientist who studies the ways weather patterns changed in the past and in this movie, he tries to save the world from the effects of global warming while also trying to see his son, Sam, who was in New York City as part of a scholastic competition. At the same time, the city was overwhelmed by the chilling beginnings of the new Ice Age. Meanwhile, Dr. Hall also going against the flow since he is nearl y the only one going north as the others races to south. On the other hand, in The Core, for unknown reasons, the Earths inner core has stopped rotating, causing the planets electromagnetic field to rapidly deteriorate. In order to resolve the problem, government and military officials call upon geophysicist, Dr. Josh Keyes and his crew of five goes down to the central of the Earth. Their mission is to detonate a nuclear device that will reactivate the core by dropping a nuclear bomb. The film Earthquake which was released on 1974 and 10.5 which was released on 2004 are about earthquakes. From the title itself we can guess what is shown in the movie Earthquake. In Earthquake, there are several stories of different people. The main story is about a Construction Engineer, Stuart Graff who is estranged from his wife, Remy, and has an affair with Denise Marshall, the widow of a co-worker. Meanwhile, Remy tries to persuade her father, Sam Royce, who is Stuarts employer, to use his influence to stop Stuart from seeing Denise. Rogue policeman Lew Slade is suspended from the Los Angeles Police Department for having punched an obtuse officer from another jurisdiction. Then, Slade contemplates quitting the police force. Jody, a grocery store manager, lusts after Rosa Amici, sister of Sal, the assistant to Miles Quade, an aspiring daredevil motor cyclist. When a major earthquake rips through Los Angeles, the lives of all these people are devastated. What about 10.5? In a nut shell, 10.5 is a disaster film that wonders what might happen if the Western United States is ever ravaged by unprecedented earthquakes. After one quake on Seattle, another strikes California, this one worse than the first. With scientists speculating that an earthquake registering 10.5 on the Richter scale could be next, the U.S. president enlists the help of a seismologist. His aim is to formulate a plan to prevent the deaths of millions of people. Twister and Night of the Twisters are the films about tornadoes which were released in 1996. In Night of the Twisters, A peaceful Nebraska farm community becomes the setting for an unprecedented disaster when it is struck by a deadly series of strong tornados. The story is told from the viewpoint of a 12-year-old boy, Dan who is forced to overcome his own terror to save the lives of friends and family in the horrifying aftermath. On the other hand, Twister is totally different from Night of the Twisters since the story is about conflict in adults life. The movie begins when Bill, a weatherman goes to have his wife, Jo to sign the divorce papers so he can marry his girlfriend, Melissa. Jo finds a collection of record breaking tornados and Bill follows along, soon his duties shift from divorcing Jo to helping her with record breaking technology to create a better warning system. Volcano and Dantes Peak are the films about volcanism and both of them were released on 1997. What happen in the movie Volcano? After a minor earthquake in Los Angeles, a giant burst of lava is released from the La Brea Tar Pits, resulting in the birth of a new volcano under the city. Scientists noticed that the temperature of a lake rises 6 degrees in 12 hours but government is reluctant to believe them but they learn their lesson when lava begins to spill out into the streets and to destroy buildings and cars. What about Dantes Peak? The film begins with the volcanic eruption in Colombia where volcanologist Dr. Harry Dalton attempts to evacuate with his love, Marianne. As they begin heading out of the town, large pieces of volcanic rocks begin to crash onto the small town, one of which penetrates the vehicle and kills Marianne. 4 years later, Dr. Harry receives a call from his boss, Paul Dryfus to check on a Cascades volcano called Dantes Peak. While the town of the same name is ce lebrating their accomplishment to be number two on the most wanted place to live in the country, he meets Rachael Wando, the mayor of the town and owns a small business of food and drinks. Harry notices tress, animals and even people had died recently near the volcano while he is checking on Dantes Peak. Then, he decided to put Dantes Peak on alert, but people, not listen to him because of no real evidence. For a week, the volcano was not overly active, but then the activity began to increase, just as the town was on alert, Dantes Peak erupts. Another important part in geology is Paleontology. Paleontology is the study of ancient or prehistoric life on earth. Its main goal is to investigate the evolution of plant and animal species as well as the earths ancient ecosystems and climate as a whole. Although concerned with life, paleontology is actually a branch of geology and it is the study of physical nature. Jurassic Park gives an explosive impact to the audience when it was released in 1993 and it is one of the great movies about paleontology. An island full of living dinosaurs had been able to be created by huge advancements in scientific technology. John Hammond has invited four individuals, a paleobotanist, a mathematician and his two grandchildren to join him at Jurassic Park. However, their park visit is anything but disaster as the parks security system breaks down, the prehistoric creatures break out, and no more excitement. It occurs when one of the workers in the park has shut down all the electricity in his atte mpts to steal the dinosaurs embryos. Now, its become a race for survival with everyone located all over the island. Apart from it, The Land Before Time (1988) and Dinosaur (2000) also the examples of geology-related movies in paleontology. Now we can obviously see that a lot of geology-related movies or also known as disaster movies were published since ten years ago until today. Furthermore, most of them were so outstanding and get a great attention not only on the day that they were released but still being watched until today. Apart from that, the film maker seem to compete each other to make the best film ever but it is a fact that scientific accuracy is not generally at the top of their to-do list when making a movie. If we see those movies in the perspective of geology we can see that it is drifting from the real fact of science. For example, it is a fact that two space shuttles cannot be launched simultaneously or, even if we could, they would never fly like a pair of the Navys Blue Angels stunt planes because it isnt safe but we can see it in Armageddon. In addition, it is the fact that space stations orbiting our planet are not refueling ports for deep space missions but contrarily, it happens in Armageddon. I n a nutshell, when it comes to science in the movies, it is really not surprised that the fact that they show is so far from accurate.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Drug Prohibition :: essays research papers

Drug Prohibition There are no panaceas for the world's drug problems, but legalizing drugs, un-clog the court system, and free prison space for real criminals. comes as close as any single policy could. Removing legal penalties from the production, sale and use of "controlled substances" would not create a "heaven on Earth," but it would alleviate many of the nation's social and political problems. Legalization would reduce drug-related crime, save the U.S. billions of dollars In 1984, a kilogram of cocaine worth $4000 in Columbia sold at wholesale for $30,000, and at retail in the U.S. for some $300,000. At the time, a Drug Enforcement Administration spokesman noted that the wholesale price doubled in six months "due to crackdowns on producers and smugglers in Columbia and the U.S." The consequence of this drastic factory-to-retail escalation is a rise in crime. Addicts must pay hundreds of times the costs of their habit, and often turn to crime to finance their addiction. Also, those who deal in the selling of the drugs become prime targets for assault for carrying extremely valuable goods. The streets become battlegrounds for competing dealers because a particular block or corner can rake in thousands of extra dollars a day. Should drugs be legalized, the price would collapse, and so would the drug-related motivations to commit crime. A pack of cocaine becomes no more dangerous to carry than a pack of cigarettes. The streets would be safer to walk, as criminal drug dealers are pushed from the market. Legalization would also deflate prison overcrowding. Out of 31,346 sentenced prisoners in federal institutions, drug law violators were the largest single category, 9487. By legalizing drugs, there would be no more drug offenders to lock up. Since many drug users would no longer be committing violent or property crimes to pay for their habits, there would be fewer real criminals. This decrease in inmates would bring the overflowing federal prison system down to its rated capacity. The excessive efforts now used against drug activity and drug related-crimes by police would then be put to use more effectively for catching rapists, murderers, and the remaining criminals who commit crimes against people and property. It takes a month to bring a person accused of a crime to trial. It's even slower for civil proceedings. There simply isn't enough judges to handle the ever-increasing caseload. By legalizing drugs, thousands of cases would be wiped off the courts permitting the rest to move faster. Prosecutors would have more time to handle cases, and judges could make more considered decisions. Better decisions would lead to fewer grounds for appeals, reducing the huge

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Theoretical Approaches to Speech Production :: Spreading Activation Theory SAT

Theoretical Approaches to Speech Production There are two main theories of Speech production, Spreading Activation Theory - SAT (Dell, 1986: Dell & O’Seaghdha, 1991) and Word- Form Encoding by Activation and Verification – WEAVER++ (Levelt et al., 1989: 1999). The SAT theory was devised by Dell (1986) then revised by Dell & O’Seaghda (1991). The theory works on a 4 level connectionist model: parallel and dynamic. The Semantic level is the meaning of what is going to be said. The Syntactic level is the grammatical structure of the words in the planned utterance The Morphological level is the morphemes (basic units of meaning of word forms) in the planned sentence. The Phonological level is the basic unit of sound within a sentence. In addition to the main structure of the SAT model a representation is formed at each level. Pre-Planning is more particular at the semantic level. There are categorical rules at each level, which impose constraints on item categories and category combination. The internal lexicon (dictionary) is considered to be a constructionist network it includes nodes for concepts, words, morphemes and phonemes. So when one node is activated it sends a message to activate all other nodes connected to it. The later computational model WEAVER++ was put forward by Levelt, Roelofs, and Meeyer (1999) derived from Lefvelt (1989). The model is based on the assumptions that there is a feed forward activation network spreading through the network and does not go back. There are 3 levels in the network the highest level of nodes represented are lexical the second level are lemmas which are abstract words from the mental lexicon and the lowest level are the nodes in support of morphemes the basic unit of meaning and phonemes. The network does not have any inhibitory links. The production of speech follows through the stages exactly serial. A word error will occur if the level of activity in the node does no match to the appropriate node higher up. There are 6 stages of processing in the WEAVER++ Theory 2 more than the SAT theory. First the Conceptual preparation stage where the lexical concepts are activated. Stage 2 comes the Lexical selection where an abstract word or lemma is Selected along with its syntactic features. The Morphological encoding is The basic word form derived from the lemma activated. Stage 5 is the Phonetic encoding is where the speech sounds are set. Articulation is the Final stage defines the way the word is pronounced.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Malcolm X Essay

During the 1960’s, the powerful speeches spoken about equality by two men about black empowerment, ultimately lead to them to their deaths. The words spoken by Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X were so strong and influential, helping them gain great audiences and followers. King preached out over the â€Å"brotherhood† among races, and the importance of non-violence. Malcolm X, also advocated for the end to segregation, but emphasized the needs for blacks to become independent of the white man, and stand up for themselves. Both King and Malcolm X had similar goals in their minds, but took distinct paths to attain those goals. Both of their many speeches varied with great distinction. While the content and underlying ideas of the speeches may have different examples and ideas, they both use many common literary devices and rhetorical strategies to attain their audience’s attention. It is through Malcolm X’s use of emotion, together with the use of other strategies, that he ultimately created a more passionate influence on his audience. The early lives that these men lived had much influence on how they would later view racism, and speak out on segregation. Martin Luther King Jr., born Micheal Luther King Jr., was raised with a middle-class family, where his mother and father stressed the importance of obtaining an education (Martin). Malcolm X, born Malcolm Little, came from a place filled with fear and danger, where the â€Å"Klansmen shouted threats and warnings [about how] ‘the good old Christian white people’ were not going to stand for [his] father’s ‘spreading trouble’† (X, Malcolm and 1). Malcolm’s early childhood experiences would be there to haunt him for the rest of his life. The experiences that these men encountered at a young age, planted the seeds to how they would flourish into the voices of the oppressed African-American people, and the ways in which they would deliver their speeches. Malcolm X, was furious at the idea that whites where trying to keep b lacks in their place, and were the reason why equality was still not being achieved. From a young age, Malcolm had suffered the effects of racism, never forgetting his eighth grade teacher telling him that â€Å"[he had] to be realistic about being a nigger. A lawyer- [that was] no realistic goal for a nigger† (X, Malcolm and 38). X, an intelligent student sharing similar dreams as King of becoming a lawyer, where soon shattered, causing him to drop out of school, and turn to drugs in order to get money. After being in jail for six years, Malcolm finally turned to Allah, where he began preaching black supremacy, and the separation between blacks and whites. Martin Luther King Jr.’s most prominent â€Å"I have a Dream† speech is lucid with its use of emotion, and all ­usion. King argues that African-Americans are not free according to the rights outlined in the United-States constitution. King not only presents his argument to the African-American community, but rather to all Americans, white and black. King delivers his argument successfully through his use of ethos. Throughout the speech, King alludes to his Christian morals, speaking out on how, â€Å"one day every valley shall be exalted, and every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight; â€Å"and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it together† (Luther King). King acknowledges the fact that the majority of his audience believes in Christianity, therefore understanding the allusion to the bible. Finally, King refers to his audience as â€Å"his people.† This implies that King sees his audience equal and also it shows that not only the black people are â€Å"his people.† King presents his argument towards freedom, strategically placing emphasis on his moral authority. Malcolm X, flustered by King’s peaceful approach to obtaining African-American rights, wrote, â€Å"The Ballot or the Bullet,† as a direct response to King’s famous â€Å"I Have a Dream† speech spoken only a month before. Like King, Malcolm appeals to the emotions of his young black audience, stirring them with anger; and simultaneously, striking fear into the minds of his white listeners. Malcolm’s goal for this speech was to persuade his audience to take action into their own hands and bring about a serious long lasting change. â€Å"The Ballot or the Bullet† begins with Malcolm’s attempt to connect with his audience. He begins by greeting both his friends and enemies speaking out, â€Å"I just can’t believe everyone in here is a friend and I don’t want to leave anybody out† (X, Malcolm. Speech). X, immediately grab s the attention of his audience by, identifying with them, also putting aside religious aspects and focusing on simply â€Å"working together and putting aside their differences to fight for their rights† (Critical). As Malcolm continues delivering his speech, his use of repetition keeps his audience aroused with anger. X repeats, â€Å"I am not†¦Ã¢â‚¬  allowing his audience to identify with him, especially when he says that he is â€Å"not an American, but a victim of Americanism† (X, Malcolm. Speech). Here, Malcolm has fallen victim to racism. When X refers to â€Å"Americanism† he refers to things the United States is guilty of, like sexism, racism, and the power that the government has over people. In this quote, he doesn’t feel like a citizen of America anymore, although he should. He is equal to everyone else, but is treated otherwise just because he is African-American. The strong and powerful words that these two men spoke out will always be remembered in the history of the civil rights movement. Although King is a heroine in the eyes of the movement, his methods of obtaining a change were very amicable. It was Malcolm X’s strong militant diction, and his power to stir the crowds’ emotions that helped him instill more passion in what he was arguing for. X’s approach may have arisen from his catastrophic childhood, instilling him to speak out on black supremacy, and the liberation from having the government having control over them. Nevertheless, King’s approach allowed him to gain more followers, but it was Malcolm X’s rage against the white man, that allowed him to create a more passionate audience. Works Cited Boyer, Paul S. â€Å"The Turbulent Sixties.† The Enduring Vision: A History of the American People. Lexington, MA: D.C. Heath, 1990. Print. â€Å"Biography.† Martin Luther King -. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Sept. 2012. . â€Å"Critical Analysis: The Ballot or The Bullet.† Socyberty. Web. 02 June 2012. . Luther King, Martin. Speech. I Have a Dream. Washington D.C. 28 Aug. 1963. American Rhetoric. Web. 02 June 2012. . Malcolm X. Dir. Spike Lee. Prod. Spike Lee. By Spike Lee and Arnold Perl. Perf. Denzel Washington, Angela Bassett, Albert Hall, and Al Freeman. Warner Bros., 1992. DVD. â€Å"Martin Luther King, Jr.† SparkNotes. SparkNotes. Web. 05 June 2012. . X, Malcolm, and Alex Haley. The Autobiography of Malcolm X. New York: One World/Ballantine, 1992. Print. X, Malcolm. Speech. The Ballot or the Bullet. Cory Methodist Church, Cleaveland. 3 Apr. 1964. Social Justice Speeches. Web. 02 June 2012. .

Monday, September 16, 2019

Nike, Inc. Case Study

Nike Valuation At North Point Group we believe we have developed the formula for investing success. As you know better than anyone, our Large-cap fund has exceeded all possible expectations in recent years as it outperformed the S&P 500 by 30% with respect to returns in 2000 and has continued the trend into 2001; as of the end of June 2001 it has already produced returns of 6. 4% while the S&P 500 has continued to struggle producing a return of -7. 3%. We believe these results are made possible by our â€Å"workhorses† of the market as we like to call them. For those of you that don’t know these â€Å"workhorses† are our holdings in companies that have been there through the history of modern America. These companies are those such as 3M, General Motors, McDonalds, and ExxonMobil, which have gone through the many roller-coaster type rises and falls that defines our nation’s economy and has utilized these experiences to prosper and grow step for step with our nation. We are here today to share and discuss our recent findings in our search for another candidate worthy of investment from our Large-Cap Fund. The company originally named â€Å"Blue Ribbon Sports,† now Nike Inc. has caught our attention. Initially known for their athletic performance shoes, Nike has developed itself into a sporting good and apparel monster while maintaining their domination in the athletic shoe sector over the last fifty years. In 1997, Nike reached the top of their game in terms of revenue, when they reported $9 billion in revenues in their annual report; however, since then their revenues have been at a virtual stand-still, hovering around $9 billion for the past five years. Despite their lack of improvement in the last half-decade we see progress in their near future, especially with them already well into the stage of recognizing problem issues within the company. They have realized that one of their major issues is that which made them into what they are today, their athletic shoes. They have maintained a large share of the athletic shoe market throughout their history but they have only just recently noticed that this share is slowly diminishing through time, as it has dropped six percent from 1997 to 2000. After taking a step back and looking at the big picture they realized their error in the recent past, they have placed too much of their focus on producing high-end, high-priced athletic shoes and have forgotten about the mid-priced shoes segment which fueled their growth for decades, and yet still remained the producer of 30% of their revenues. This focus will help bring the Nike brand shoe back into the homes of any American home no matter their income level. Along with their shoes, Nike has other plans to rejuvenate their corporate performance. The biggest of all was the acquisition of top exec, the former president and chief executive of the Polo Jeans division of rival Jones Apparel Group, Mindy Grossman. Nike sought out Ms. Grossman because of her exceptional performance in the clothing industry in hopes that she would take their apparel division to the top; a result which is not far beyond belief when considering the vast resources and influence that Nike already possesses. The hopes within the company are that these tweaks to their corporate approach along with some minor cost cutting adjustments in the company’s operations and administration will drive the company up the incline of revenue growth. With Nike reigniting their pursuit for excellence and fueling this fire by restoring their staple, mid-priced athletic shoes fit for every American, to its glory; it’s easy to believe in the potential of Nike, Inc. and jump on the bandwagon. Even though we believe in the potential of Nike, further financial evaluation is necessary before a decision affecting everyone in this room can be made. We got excited about the prospect of Nike becoming part of our fund not because of the name, and the reputation it carries with it, but because of their remarkable success through numerous decades and varying economic conditions. These factors paired with their current economic struggles and the impact those on the market price of Nike makes them a prime value investing candidate. WACC: We choose the weighted average cost of capital to use as our discount rate. We did this because we calculated future cash flows using the free cash flow to the firm method. By using this method we are able to account for the total free cash flows available to the owners after all expenses. This means that debt is accounted for in the intrinsic value of the company. In order to compute the WACC the following inputs must be calculated; cost of equity, after tax cost of debt, weight of equity and weight of debt. In this section of the analysis we will give a step by step breakdown of how we computed those inputs. Cost of Debt: The cost of debt is rate at which a company pays on its current outstanding debt. This rate is comprised of things like loans or bonds. Nike conveniently has only one issue of publicly traded debt. This is a bond that pays a 6. 75% coupon semi-annually. It was issued on 7/15/10 and is mature on 7/15/21. The current market price is $95. 60. To calculate the cost of debt we found the YTM of the only current outstanding bond issue. As of today we are nine days away from a coupon payment on 7/15/01. After this coupon payment there will be 40 more coupon payments. We are making the assumption that a coupon is paid on the date of maturity. As stated the price of the bond listed today is $95. 60. If the bond were actually to be bought and sold the price would need to reflect the interest accrued since the last coupon payment. To calculate this we subtracted the number of days since the last payment, 173, from the number of days in the period, 182 = . 95. We then took that number and multiplied it by the coupon payment divided by 2 in order to realize the coupon payment per period. (6. 75/2)= 3. 375(. 95) = $3. 2. Based on these calculations we have calculated the following inputs to solve for the YTM. Cost of Equity: The cost of equity is the return that stockholders require to invest in a company. There are many different ways to compute this value. We will look at CAPM, DDM and the earnings capitalization ratio. CAPM: We looked at two different ways to calculate CAPM. First using the 3 month T-Bill as a risk free rate (3. 59%) along with the arithmetic average of returns from 1926-1999 (7. 50%) to calculate the market risk premium. We used a beta of . 8 which is the average of the last 6 years. We believe this to be a good estimate because it accounts for volatility and decreased possible variance. Below is our calculation for the cost of equity. In the alternative CAPM model we used the 10 year Treasury bond as the risk free rate instead of the 3 month. We also used the geometric average of historical returns as the market risk premium. Below is the estimation of the alternative Cost of Equity. We believe that the second calculation of the CAPM using the 10 year bond and the geometric average is a more accurate representation of the cost of equity. The 10 year bond rate is a better indication of the real risk free rate since the fund is looking at value stocks which are generally held for longer periods of time. The geometric mean is also a more realistic calculation of the market risk premium because it calculated real return, as opposed to the arithmetic average which is just a straight average calculation. DDM: The calculation of the dividend discount model required a dividend growth rate and the current stock price. We obtained the dividend growth rate of 5. 5% from Valueline. The current share price is $42. 09. The calculation of the cost of capital using the DDM is below. The dividend discount model works best with companies that follow the constant slow growth path. This is because their dividends are generally a good reflection of earnings. Since Nike is not a slow growing company and their dividends are not highly correlated with changes in earnings we do not recommend using the DDM to estimate the cost of equity. Earnings Capitalization Rate: The earnings cap rate is the opposite of the P/E ratio. The inputs include an implicit growth rate which we calculated by multiplying current ROE by the current retention ratio of earnings. This growth rate is used to project EPS for the next year. The inputs and calculation of the cost of equity is shown below. The earnings capitalization ratio is not a good estimate of the cost of equity for the same reason the DDM was not a good model. This is because the retention ratio and the dividend payout ratio are dependent on each other. Since the dividend payout ratio is not a good indication of earnings than neither is a model that uses the retention ratio. Value of Debt: To effectively calculate the value of debt we used the market value of debt instead of the book value. This gives a better approximation of the current value of the debt. To calculate the market value we discounted the LT debt value that we obtained from the balance sheet. Below are the inputs and the present value of the LT debt. In addition to the market value of long term debt we need to add short term debt. This includes the current LT debt payment and the notes payable as found on the 2001 balance sheet. After adding these values we obtained the total market value of debt. Value of Equity: To find the value of the equity we used the market value of the current equity instead of using the book value. The market equity is calculated by multiplying the current number of shares by the current market price. Calculation is shown below. Capital Structure: Based on the market value of the debt and equity we calculated the capital structure. The numbers are shown below. {draw:frame} {draw:frame} WACC Calculation: To calculate the WACC we combined the weights of equity and value with the cost of each. The equation is as follows: {draw:line} {draw:line} {draw:line} {draw:line} (11,503/12,550) X 3. 42% + (1,047/12,550) X 2. 12% = 9. 44% {draw:custom-shape} {draw:custom-shape} {draw:custom-shape} {draw:custom-shape} Discounted Cash Flow Analysis: Revenue: To have a better estimate of Nike’s current condition, we calculated its discounted cash flow in order to find its NPV and a more realistic measure of Nike’s share price. We estimate that in the next 10 years Nike will have a revenue growth ranging from 6 to 7 percent. In 2002, revenue growth is projected to be at 7 percent. From 2003 to 2005, revenue growth will be 6. 5 percent. In the last 6 years of the forecast, Nike will experience a growth rate of 6 percent. The rationale behind this sales growth forecast is that Nike will be developing more midpriced shoes and increasing its apparel line. The midpriced shoes will offer consumers more affordable selection so sales are likely to increase. Nike’s plan to push its apparel line is also a good strategy to increase sales because athletic apparel is a good complementary to their shoes. Revenue growth will kick off with a good start but it’s projected to fall slightly to a more sustainable growth rate. COGS, SG&A: As Nike’s sales rate slowly declines in the next 10 years, their percentage of Cost of Goods Sold over Sales and Selling, General & Administrative percentage also decline. Nike plans to cut costs in the next 10 years. So as their costs decrease and sales increase, their percentage of COGS and SG&A to sales will decrease. NWC: Next, we calculated Nike’s change in net working capital. Net working capital is current assets minus current liabilities. To do this, we took the average of Nike’s asset in percentage to sales and liabilities over sales for the last 4 years. (Refer to Exhibit A). We then take those numbers and multiply it by the projected revenue to get the project current assets and current liabilities for the next 10 years. We took the difference to get the net working capital. The change in net working capital would be just the difference of one year to the next. Exhibit A. CAPEX, net Depr: We calculated the Capital Expenditure and depreciation using a similar model. The 2001 Nike annual report gave us some guidance that CAPEX would not increase in 2002 from the previous year. Based on an increasing cost of depreciation we forecasted 2002 CAPEX net Depr. to be $120 million. Using this projected 2002 value and the three years previous we calculated an average CAPEX net Depr. (See Exhibit B) We feel this average is the best way to estimate an unpredictable CAPEX number. We used this average in our forecasts through 2011. Exhibit B. Free Cash Flow: After we attain all the CAPEX and the change in NWC, we were able to do a ash flow by taking our net operating income after tax less CAPEX and NWC. For our terminal value, we used the Gordon growth model with a 3 percent growth rate. In our terminal value, we added back the CAPEX value because capital expenditure will eventually be zero in the future. We feel that it won’t be accurate to have a negative value for CAPEX fo r our terminal value. After calculating the future cash flows for Nike, we were able to find the intrinsic value of the company. Using our WACC of 9. 44 percent, we attained a NPV of $15,963 million. During this time, Nike had a current debt balance of about $1,047 million. We subtracted the debt from the NPV to get an equity value for the company of about $14,916 million. We took Nike’s equity value and divided by their total number of shares outstanding of 273. 3 for 2001 and got a price of $54. 58. Compared to the current market price of Nike’s stock of only $42. 09, Nike’s stock is undervalued by almost 30 percent. Based on our new estimates of Nike’s value, we think that these numbers reflect the company better than what the market says. We also did a sensitivity analysis of Nike’s stock using various discount rates. We can see that even at a discount rate of 12 percent, Nike’s stock would be $44. 7. This is still about $2 more than what the market valued Nike. Conclusion: Knowing that our key to success has been a value investing approach to Large-Cap mutual funds, it is easy to see that we are recommending the investment in Nike, Inc. on the basis of the findings of our financial analysis, which reports t he company as undervalued by over 29%. Essentially we are saying that according to our best analysis we believe that the company should be valued by the market at a price 29% higher than it currently is. In terms of stock price this is saying that although Nike is currently selling at $42. 9 we believe it should be priced at $54. 58. It is easy to figure out how this creates value for you as investors as long as Nike stays true to form and true to their word. We do not see the powers that be letting Nike die; they recommitted themselves and the company to excellence and have taken appropriate action to signify their sincerity. Their modifications to expenses in combination with their push of apparel and shoes, which despite its decline in market share is responsible for 30% of Nike’s revenues, will bring Nike out of their current slump. They will ake this happen over time by slowly working down expenses, in particular cost of goods sold and selling and administration expense, while working to increase revenues. We feel very strongly on the accuracy of both our analytical and corporate analysis in part because despite increasing selling and administrative expenses and fluctuating revenues Nike has ended each fiscal year for the last few years with a positive economic value added result. Over the past three years Nike has ended with an average EVA of $387 million, showing that they can go above and beyond market and investor expectations even while in a slump. Nike, Inc. Case Study Nike Valuation At North Point Group we believe we have developed the formula for investing success. As you know better than anyone, our Large-cap fund has exceeded all possible expectations in recent years as it outperformed the S&P 500 by 30% with respect to returns in 2000 and has continued the trend into 2001; as of the end of June 2001 it has already produced returns of 6. 4% while the S&P 500 has continued to struggle producing a return of -7. 3%. We believe these results are made possible by our â€Å"workhorses† of the market as we like to call them. For those of you that don’t know these â€Å"workhorses† are our holdings in companies that have been there through the history of modern America. These companies are those such as 3M, General Motors, McDonalds, and ExxonMobil, which have gone through the many roller-coaster type rises and falls that defines our nation’s economy and has utilized these experiences to prosper and grow step for step with our nation. We are here today to share and discuss our recent findings in our search for another candidate worthy of investment from our Large-Cap Fund. The company originally named â€Å"Blue Ribbon Sports,† now Nike Inc. has caught our attention. Initially known for their athletic performance shoes, Nike has developed itself into a sporting good and apparel monster while maintaining their domination in the athletic shoe sector over the last fifty years. In 1997, Nike reached the top of their game in terms of revenue, when they reported $9 billion in revenues in their annual report; however, since then their revenues have been at a virtual stand-still, hovering around $9 billion for the past five years. Despite their lack of improvement in the last half-decade we see progress in their near future, especially with them already well into the stage of recognizing problem issues within the company. They have realized that one of their major issues is that which made them into what they are today, their athletic shoes. They have maintained a large share of the athletic shoe market throughout their history but they have only just recently noticed that this share is slowly diminishing through time, as it has dropped six percent from 1997 to 2000. After taking a step back and looking at the big picture they realized their error in the recent past, they have placed too much of their focus on producing high-end, high-priced athletic shoes and have forgotten about the mid-priced shoes segment which fueled their growth for decades, and yet still remained the producer of 30% of their revenues. This focus will help bring the Nike brand shoe back into the homes of any American home no matter their income level. Along with their shoes, Nike has other plans to rejuvenate their corporate performance. The biggest of all was the acquisition of top exec, the former president and chief executive of the Polo Jeans division of rival Jones Apparel Group, Mindy Grossman. Nike sought out Ms. Grossman because of her exceptional performance in the clothing industry in hopes that she would take their apparel division to the top; a result which is not far beyond belief when considering the vast resources and influence that Nike already possesses. The hopes within the company are that these tweaks to their corporate approach along with some minor cost cutting adjustments in the company’s operations and administration will drive the company up the incline of revenue growth. With Nike reigniting their pursuit for excellence and fueling this fire by restoring their staple, mid-priced athletic shoes fit for every American, to its glory; it’s easy to believe in the potential of Nike, Inc. and jump on the bandwagon. Even though we believe in the potential of Nike, further financial evaluation is necessary before a decision affecting everyone in this room can be made. We got excited about the prospect of Nike becoming part of our fund not because of the name, and the reputation it carries with it, but because of their remarkable success through numerous decades and varying economic conditions. These factors paired with their current economic struggles and the impact those on the market price of Nike makes them a prime value investing candidate. WACC: We choose the weighted average cost of capital to use as our discount rate. We did this because we calculated future cash flows using the free cash flow to the firm method. By using this method we are able to account for the total free cash flows available to the owners after all expenses. This means that debt is accounted for in the intrinsic value of the company. In order to compute the WACC the following inputs must be calculated; cost of equity, after tax cost of debt, weight of equity and weight of debt. In this section of the analysis we will give a step by step breakdown of how we computed those inputs. Cost of Debt: The cost of debt is rate at which a company pays on its current outstanding debt. This rate is comprised of things like loans or bonds. Nike conveniently has only one issue of publicly traded debt. This is a bond that pays a 6. 75% coupon semi-annually. It was issued on 7/15/10 and is mature on 7/15/21. The current market price is $95. 60. To calculate the cost of debt we found the YTM of the only current outstanding bond issue. As of today we are nine days away from a coupon payment on 7/15/01. After this coupon payment there will be 40 more coupon payments. We are making the assumption that a coupon is paid on the date of maturity. As stated the price of the bond listed today is $95. 60. If the bond were actually to be bought and sold the price would need to reflect the interest accrued since the last coupon payment. To calculate this we subtracted the number of days since the last payment, 173, from the number of days in the period, 182 = . 95. We then took that number and multiplied it by the coupon payment divided by 2 in order to realize the coupon payment per period. (6. 75/2)= 3. 375(. 95) = $3. 2. Based on these calculations we have calculated the following inputs to solve for the YTM. Cost of Equity: The cost of equity is the return that stockholders require to invest in a company. There are many different ways to compute this value. We will look at CAPM, DDM and the earnings capitalization ratio. CAPM: We looked at two different ways to calculate CAPM. First using the 3 month T-Bill as a risk free rate (3. 59%) along with the arithmetic average of returns from 1926-1999 (7. 50%) to calculate the market risk premium. We used a beta of . 8 which is the average of the last 6 years. We believe this to be a good estimate because it accounts for volatility and decreased possible variance. Below is our calculation for the cost of equity. In the alternative CAPM model we used the 10 year Treasury bond as the risk free rate instead of the 3 month. We also used the geometric average of historical returns as the market risk premium. Below is the estimation of the alternative Cost of Equity. We believe that the second calculation of the CAPM using the 10 year bond and the geometric average is a more accurate representation of the cost of equity. The 10 year bond rate is a better indication of the real risk free rate since the fund is looking at value stocks which are generally held for longer periods of time. The geometric mean is also a more realistic calculation of the market risk premium because it calculated real return, as opposed to the arithmetic average which is just a straight average calculation. DDM: The calculation of the dividend discount model required a dividend growth rate and the current stock price. We obtained the dividend growth rate of 5. 5% from Valueline. The current share price is $42. 09. The calculation of the cost of capital using the DDM is below. The dividend discount model works best with companies that follow the constant slow growth path. This is because their dividends are generally a good reflection of earnings. Since Nike is not a slow growing company and their dividends are not highly correlated with changes in earnings we do not recommend using the DDM to estimate the cost of equity. Earnings Capitalization Rate: The earnings cap rate is the opposite of the P/E ratio. The inputs include an implicit growth rate which we calculated by multiplying current ROE by the current retention ratio of earnings. This growth rate is used to project EPS for the next year. The inputs and calculation of the cost of equity is shown below. The earnings capitalization ratio is not a good estimate of the cost of equity for the same reason the DDM was not a good model. This is because the retention ratio and the dividend payout ratio are dependent on each other. Since the dividend payout ratio is not a good indication of earnings than neither is a model that uses the retention ratio. Value of Debt: To effectively calculate the value of debt we used the market value of debt instead of the book value. This gives a better approximation of the current value of the debt. To calculate the market value we discounted the LT debt value that we obtained from the balance sheet. Below are the inputs and the present value of the LT debt. In addition to the market value of long term debt we need to add short term debt. This includes the current LT debt payment and the notes payable as found on the 2001 balance sheet. After adding these values we obtained the total market value of debt. Value of Equity: To find the value of the equity we used the market value of the current equity instead of using the book value. The market equity is calculated by multiplying the current number of shares by the current market price. Calculation is shown below. Capital Structure: Based on the market value of the debt and equity we calculated the capital structure. The numbers are shown below. {draw:frame} {draw:frame} WACC Calculation: To calculate the WACC we combined the weights of equity and value with the cost of each. The equation is as follows: {draw:line} {draw:line} {draw:line} {draw:line} (11,503/12,550) X 3. 42% + (1,047/12,550) X 2. 12% = 9. 44% {draw:custom-shape} {draw:custom-shape} {draw:custom-shape} {draw:custom-shape} Discounted Cash Flow Analysis: Revenue: To have a better estimate of Nike’s current condition, we calculated its discounted cash flow in order to find its NPV and a more realistic measure of Nike’s share price. We estimate that in the next 10 years Nike will have a revenue growth ranging from 6 to 7 percent. In 2002, revenue growth is projected to be at 7 percent. From 2003 to 2005, revenue growth will be 6. 5 percent. In the last 6 years of the forecast, Nike will experience a growth rate of 6 percent. The rationale behind this sales growth forecast is that Nike will be developing more midpriced shoes and increasing its apparel line. The midpriced shoes will offer consumers more affordable selection so sales are likely to increase. Nike’s plan to push its apparel line is also a good strategy to increase sales because athletic apparel is a good complementary to their shoes. Revenue growth will kick off with a good start but it’s projected to fall slightly to a more sustainable growth rate. COGS, SG&A: As Nike’s sales rate slowly declines in the next 10 years, their percentage of Cost of Goods Sold over Sales and Selling, General & Administrative percentage also decline. Nike plans to cut costs in the next 10 years. So as their costs decrease and sales increase, their percentage of COGS and SG&A to sales will decrease. NWC: Next, we calculated Nike’s change in net working capital. Net working capital is current assets minus current liabilities. To do this, we took the average of Nike’s asset in percentage to sales and liabilities over sales for the last 4 years. (Refer to Exhibit A). We then take those numbers and multiply it by the projected revenue to get the project current assets and current liabilities for the next 10 years. We took the difference to get the net working capital. The change in net working capital would be just the difference of one year to the next. Exhibit A. CAPEX, net Depr: We calculated the Capital Expenditure and depreciation using a similar model. The 2001 Nike annual report gave us some guidance that CAPEX would not increase in 2002 from the previous year. Based on an increasing cost of depreciation we forecasted 2002 CAPEX net Depr. to be $120 million. Using this projected 2002 value and the three years previous we calculated an average CAPEX net Depr. (See Exhibit B) We feel this average is the best way to estimate an unpredictable CAPEX number. We used this average in our forecasts through 2011. Exhibit B. Free Cash Flow: After we attain all the CAPEX and the change in NWC, we were able to do a ash flow by taking our net operating income after tax less CAPEX and NWC. For our terminal value, we used the Gordon growth model with a 3 percent growth rate. In our terminal value, we added back the CAPEX value because capital expenditure will eventually be zero in the future. We feel that it won’t be accurate to have a negative value for CAPEX fo r our terminal value. After calculating the future cash flows for Nike, we were able to find the intrinsic value of the company. Using our WACC of 9. 44 percent, we attained a NPV of $15,963 million. During this time, Nike had a current debt balance of about $1,047 million. We subtracted the debt from the NPV to get an equity value for the company of about $14,916 million. We took Nike’s equity value and divided by their total number of shares outstanding of 273. 3 for 2001 and got a price of $54. 58. Compared to the current market price of Nike’s stock of only $42. 09, Nike’s stock is undervalued by almost 30 percent. Based on our new estimates of Nike’s value, we think that these numbers reflect the company better than what the market says. We also did a sensitivity analysis of Nike’s stock using various discount rates. We can see that even at a discount rate of 12 percent, Nike’s stock would be $44. 7. This is still about $2 more than what the market valued Nike. Conclusion: Knowing that our key to success has been a value investing approach to Large-Cap mutual funds, it is easy to see that we are recommending the investment in Nike, Inc. on the basis of the findings of our financial analysis, which reports t he company as undervalued by over 29%. Essentially we are saying that according to our best analysis we believe that the company should be valued by the market at a price 29% higher than it currently is. In terms of stock price this is saying that although Nike is currently selling at $42. 9 we believe it should be priced at $54. 58. It is easy to figure out how this creates value for you as investors as long as Nike stays true to form and true to their word. We do not see the powers that be letting Nike die; they recommitted themselves and the company to excellence and have taken appropriate action to signify their sincerity. Their modifications to expenses in combination with their push of apparel and shoes, which despite its decline in market share is responsible for 30% of Nike’s revenues, will bring Nike out of their current slump. They will ake this happen over time by slowly working down expenses, in particular cost of goods sold and selling and administration expense, while working to increase revenues. We feel very strongly on the accuracy of both our analytical and corporate analysis in part because despite increasing selling and administrative expenses and fluctuating revenues Nike has ended each fiscal year for the last few years with a positive economic value added result. Over the past three years Nike has ended with an average EVA of $387 million, showing that they can go above and beyond market and investor expectations even while in a slump.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Occupational Therapy In The Uk Health And Social Care Essay

This treatment of wellness demands will be based on Susan Como and structured in essay signifier, get downing with a brief debut to her and her household. Susan Como is a married 21 twelvemonth old adult female. As a kid she suffered minor afflictions ( eczema and Mumps ) which appear non to be prolonged or damaging to her long-run wellness so I am traveling to concentrate on her wellness from the twelvemonth 2000. In 2001 Susan suffered from repeated thorax infections which will non be disregarded as a minor affliction yet does non use in relation to the context of this treatment as it was many old ages ago and does non look to be afflicting her any more, although relentless unwellness can be a precursor to depression ( Fox, 2008 ) which she began enduring from after she gave birth to Billy in 2003. The gestation and birth caused no complications, nevertheless she was diagnosed with postpartum depression the same twelvemonth and has suffered from important clinical depression of all time since. Billy is now 4 old ages old and has been diagnosed with planetary developmental hold. Susan is married to Saul, whom she perceives herself to be really near to, although her household do non look to O.K. of him. Her hubby Saul works really long hours, and likes to pass the clip he is non working socialization and imbibing intoxicant, and provides her with really small in the manner of support, with respects to rearing. This makes Susan the primary health professional of Billy, and he has been described as â€Å" clingy † , the premise being that this term is used to intend excessively attached to his female parent and highly emotional and distressed at their separation. The forenoons Billy spends at baby's room are difficult for Susan as she finds it hard to make full her clip and delaies for him to return place once more. Billy is due to get down go toing full yearss at school shortly, which is traveling to give Susan even more clip to make full. Though at times her depression has been managed by medicine and cognitive behavioral therapy, Susan is presently sing an addition in depressive symptoms and is frightened she may go really badly once more due to the absence of Billy when he is at school all twenty-four hours. Susans wellness demands in relation to occupational therapy are traveling to be the chief focal point of this essay. It is historically logical that occupational therapy rules be applied to mental wellness jobs as that is where the foundations of occupational therapy as it is known today began. Elizabeth Casson ( 1881-1954 ) a outstanding figure in the debut of occupational therapy to the UK began with incorporating pattern into a residential unit for female psychiatric patients, Dorset House in Bristol. The first school of occupational therapy was attached to Dorset House which opened in 1930 ( Creek, 2008, pp.11-12 ) and all work within the field of occupational therapy in the UK stems from this ( Long & A ; Cronin-Davis, 2006 ) . Throughout the history of occupational therapy, there have been shifts in the manner it is taught, applied and theorised, with the focal point being on different paradigms. However, since the 1970 ‘s the focal point of occupational therapy has returned to its core belief: that business should be at the Centre of occupational therapy. ( Molineux, 2004 ) . Occupational therapy is defined by the World Federation of Occupational Therapists as â€Å" a client-centred wellness profession concerned with advancing wellness and good being through business † ( WFOT, accessed 08/10/10 ) . There are, nevertheless, many different definitions of occupational therapy and no individual definition to embrace all that occupational therapy does. The implicit in premise is that if people are given meaningful and purposeful businesss to make full their clip, it is contributing to a better province of physical and mental wellness, and a better quality of life. Definitions are debatable in themselves as they need farther definitions to clear up the term which they encompass, such as business. Wilcock ( 1998 ) defines business as â€Å" All purposeful human activity † , the focal point on this definition so inquiries what is meant by meaningful and purposeful? The activity must hold important significance for the client and be directed towards a end for the client that will help them in their day-to-day lives. A0TA ( 2002 ) expands this thought to integrate leting a client to heighten their occupational battle, intending to utilize the accomplishments they have in order to portion in an activity. In Susans instance, it would be unpointed giving her a ‘meaningless ‘ business such as doing a cup of tea, this would non profit her wellness or well-being at all as her unwellness does non forestall her ability to do a cup of tea. A more worthwhile business could be practising assertiveness or assurance, to talk up when she needs aid from her hubby. This would keep a batch more significance and intent to Susan. Occupational therapy focuses on spread outing the accomplishments the client already has and habilitating the accomplishments that would be good to their day-to-day lives and which they agree has great intent in their lives. Most definitions of occupational therapy focal point on the human usage of business. Occupational scientific discipline is the name given to the survey of worlds as occupational existences ( Yerxa, 2000 ) saying that worlds need to carry through businesss in their life. Wilcock ( 1993 ) outlined three major maps of business throughout history. These involved fulfilling immediate demands such as self-care and shelter, developing accomplishments and engineering to last ( against marauders, for illustration ) and keeping and developing the being. A theory linked to this thought is the 1 of temporal version. Creek ( 2003 ) negotiations about the issue of temporal version ( intending the manner people use their clip ) and the negative impact on the encephalon of non being meaningfully occupied. Harmonizing to this theory, if Susan does non do good usage of the clip she is entirely when Billy is at school and is merely sitting making nil, or waiting to pick him up as she has been, her ence phalon can steal into a province of confusion ; it will non be working as population norms would propose it should and could go forth her highly vulnerable to cognitive disfunction. As she has a history of depression and is already disquieted about her depression acquiring worse when Billy returns to school, Susan is at great hazard of this go oning therefore it is pertinent she should hold her occupational demands identified and addressed. Harries ( 2009 ) wrote an article about a adult female who suffered from anxiousness jobs. In relation to utilizing her clip efficaciously she negotiations of maintaining her head and organic structure stimulated in order to battle her anxiousness and stating that when she is non stimulated and there is non every bit much busying her head, the anxiousness can increase once more. Although Susan does non endure from anxiousness jobs, there could be some analogues between her depression and the anxiousness in this illustration ; symptoms of both app ear to increase with the deficiency of business. The deductions of this theory can non be to the full supported though ; although many people feel the demand to be active or occupied, this can non be generalised to all worlds. For illustration, speculation could be classed as non physically exciting the encephalon or carry throughing an activity as such yet it is considered both meaningful and purposeful. Occupational individuality involves how you see and separate yourself through the businesss in your life ( Kielhofner, 2009 ) . For illustration, if person plays tennis they may see their individuality as ‘a tennis participant ‘ . It can be assumed from the grounds stated that Susan views herself as a married woman, a girl, a grand-daughter, a female parent. As she does non look to hold any other close relationships and the familiarities she does hold go around around her boy and female parents of his friends, it can be assumed these occupational individualities are the chief 1s in her life. She does non look to hold any avocations or activities outside her place so her individuality is limited to strictly household relationships. Susan has identified the issue of non being able to make full her clip when Billy is at baby's room and her occupational individualities are non linked to involvement in any activities or businesss other than related to her household life. As he r hubby spends long hours working or socializing she does non even have much contact with any grownups in a societal manner and she spends a batch of her clip isolated with Billy. Social inclusion is a major factor in the country of mental wellness ; people enduring from mental wellness jobs are the most at-risk group for experiencing excluded from society and societal inclusion is by and large believed to better mental wellness and well-being ( LeBoutillier & A ; Croucher, 2010 ) . Social inclusion is defined as: â€Å" A virtuous circle of improved rights of entree to the societal and economic universe, new chances, recovery of position and significance and decreased impact of disablement † ( Sayce, 2000, p122 ) . Social exclusion has many deductions for occupational therapy, and occupational therapy can be instrumental in helping societal inclusion. Lack of meaningful businesss can take to societal exclusion, and societal exclusion can intend the person has a deficiency of resources to transport out their coveted businesss, due to occupational unfairness. Molineux ( 2004 ) negotiations of the construct of occupational justness ; intending entree to businesss, are non restricted in any manner to the person ; without societal inclusion, a individual may non hold certain engineering or resources to manus in order to carry through their coveted businesss. Activities of day-to-day life ( ADL ) mostly act as barriers to societal inclusion, such as self-care functions and modus operandis. If persons self attention is missing and they become unkempt, this may take to stigmatization of the person which may take to exclusion from any societal circle. If Susan focuses much clip or does non pass adequate clip on her self-care this could hold been a barrier to her societal inclusion. Occupational therapy could assist her recognize the demand to set or accommodate her self-care function in order to help in perchance spread outing her societal circle. Habits and modus operandis can besides be a barrier to societal inclusion, if person has a really rigorous modus operandi they may non be able to accommodate to a societal circle that have their ain functions and modus operandis which may hold clip struggles. Habits and modus operandis can besides be said to be a barrier to occupational balance. Occupational balance involves a healthy balance of ego attention, productiveness, leisure clip and rest/sleep ( Turner et al, 2002 ) . Susan spends the bulk of her clip with her boy Billy, or clean uping the house when he is at baby's room. She besides visits household members. The clip she spends with household and clean uping the house can be classed as productive in a sense, that in disburseme nt clip with her household she has achieved something ( she is non sitting at place merely ‘waiting ‘ to pick Billy up ) and it has kept her meaningfully occupied, although this is personal to Susan and other people may non see it really productive. Self attention, remainder and slumber are countries in which premises can non be drawn based on Susan, her medical notes and other information do non relay any cognition about these countries. However, leisure is one country in Susans life that is badly deficient and this could be interrupting her occupational balance. She spends her clip with Billy, household, or clean uping the house and waiting for Billy to return ; she has no personal avocations, involvements or mercantile establishments in which to impart her energies or balance against what she already does. However, occupational therapy is really much focused on client-centred pattern, intending a partnership between the healer and the client. An occupational healer wo uld necessitate to run an initial appraisal on Susan to reap whether she considers leisure activities to be meaningful and good although in this instance it could be assumed she would as she is worried about the province of her mental wellness when Billy starts traveling to school full-time. If she did non, or she considered seeing her household as leisure clip and felt she was balanced in the activities in her life this must be respected, as occupational therapy utilises a client-centred attack. Client-centred pattern involves a working partnership between healer in client to hold on wellness demands and intercessions together. For the healer to do all the determinations without affecting the client would be really bad pattern ( except in instances where the client is deemed to be unable to do determinations ; in which instance the healer still acts in the clients involvement ) . Physical inaction could besides be described as a wellness demand in this context ; aerophilic exercising has been found to better temper for people with depression in a short sum of clip ( Dimeo et al, 2001 ) . Blumenthal et Al ( 1999 ) found that a specific dosage of aerophilic exercising for patients with depression showed a decrease or complete remittal of depressive symptoms. This survey besides showed that the dosage of aerophilic exercising had the same rates of response and remittal as antidepressant medicine and cognitive behavioral therapy. Physical activity is shown to cut down depressive symptoms in people with depression so possibly the fact that Susan does endure from depression but does non acquire any physical exercising can refer to it being a wellness demand instead than an intercession. Physical inaction can increase the hazard of many wellness jobs such as bosom disease, shot, diabetes and certain malignant neoplastic diseases ( WHO, 2010 ) besides foregrounding i t as a specific wellness demand. Physical activity is besides a good manner to spread out your societal life and make full your clip which is a great manner to battle some effects of depression ( Williams, 2009 ) which could help in the other demands of Susan, such as her occupational individuality and occupational balance. In decision, the chief wellness demands of Susan involve her deficiency of societal activities and societal inclusion, her demand to make full her clip with meaningful businesss, physical inaction and possibly a support web outside of her household. There is a batch of support available for people with mental wellness jobs, or kids with particular demands outside of occupational therapy, such as MIND, a mental wellness charity in England ; DirectGov, a authorities tally association with many drivers, one being towards support for particular instruction demands where Susan could acquire a batch of rearing support and run into other parents in the same state of affairs, and rearing support groups for kids with larning troubles run by the NHS across the state, such as The Maze ( Extra Support For Families, 2010 ) . Aside from these national support webs, occupational therapy could be an highly good intercession to the wellness demands of Susan. NICE ( 2010 ) guidelines for the intervent ion of depression province that a structured programme of activities is recommended for persistent or mild to chair depression, either entirely or alongside other psychosocial intercessions. An appropriate theoretical account to use to utilize in measuring and working with Susan could be the Model of Human Occupation ( Kielhofner, 2008 ) which would look at Susans will ( how she feels about the businesss she undertakes ) , addiction ( how she regulates her modus operandis and forms of behavior, and the functions in which she sees herself ) and public presentation capacity ( how able Susan is to carry through her current and future businesss based on her organic structure and cognitive abilities ) . This along with the other administrations mentioned could turn to her wellness demands and aid to spread out her occupational individuality and better her occupational balance and quality of life.