Thursday, October 31, 2019

Hospitality marketing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Hospitality marketing - Assignment Example The second thing Leslie should do is prioritize the aforementioned problems in order of their decreasing level of impact on the customer base and sales’ volume, so that the most important and the least important issues are identified. It would also make Leslie’s work more organized and formal so that it becomes easy for the head office to conceive the underlying problems and take the necessary actions accordingly. From the table given in the case study, it is obvious that the top management has cut down the costs of food, beverage, and labor since 2002, which has had a direct negative impact on the sales. So obviously, there has to be an optimal level till which the costs can be reduced or they start decreasing the sales’ volume. Leslie should particularly take help from the customers’ satisfaction surveys because they are the prime documents through which the customers have conveyed their concerns to the top management. The issues to be addressed should b e prioritized according to the customers’ preferences, and should be addressed in the same

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Personal Selling and Sales Promotion MBA Marketing (Masters Level) Essay

Personal Selling and Sales Promotion MBA Marketing (Masters Level) - Essay Example Ingraining is a process by which people at work develop norms and beliefs (Kerin et al 2005). Certain ways of thinking and doing become taken for granted even though they have not been explicitly stated. In the main aspect of value communication, direct two-way information transfer between customer and firm, service businesses enjoy an edge, because the customer is in the system. Their needs are therefore not remote and to be inferred but right here and given expression to. The likelihood of a firm being able to match customer needs exactly is correspondingly higher, provided the firm can customize its services (Kerin et al 2005). An interactive relationship with customers often develops in many service arenas while the service is being rendered. The customer could explain his/her needs, air travel routing with stopover, variations on a dinner order, advice from a securities analyst--and often receive service in real time. Again feedback could also be instant, resulting in high commu nicated value, provided responsiveness, flexibility, and learning ability are incorporated into the system. These strategies make the assumption that the company intends to persist in a concentration mode, that is, limit its horizons to a single product/service or achieve a predominant portion of its sales in one industry. Few large or medium size firms confine their product horizons (Kerin et al 2005). Following Kotler and Armstrong (2008) customer relationship management has a great impact on sales and value creation. "Winning and keeping accounts requires more than making good products and sales. It requires listening to customers, understanding their needs and coordinating the company's efforts to create a customer value" (p. 468). Typically it is small businesses that start with such a focus. With success and growth generally comes a desire to reduce dependence on any one product/market. Diversified firms have more stable sales and earnings. Risk reduction unquestionably helps enhance shareholder value. For instance, in such companies as DuPont or McDonald's this emphasizes the high priority that must be attached to cohesiveness and unity in the high-value organization, not just as a means to an end but intrinsically and for its own sake (Kerin et al 2005). The strengthening of linkages within and among the value creation demands a cooperative endeavor as does the need to brid ge hierarchic gaps. A main value that seems critical to the value-seeking firm is a mutuality of respect. The relevance and importance of others to the aims and purposes of the firm have to be acknowledged. Mutual respect strikes to the very heart of the issue of the dignity of the individual and the absolute conviction that the success of the enterprise depends upon each one's contribution. This applies not only to employees but to every other stakeholder, particularly customers and suppliers. In spite of complexity and global nature of business, such giants as Wal-Mart and Toyota strive toward meeting the needs of customers, which is a pervasive, ever-present consciousness of the centrality of value to a firm's mission. In addition to customer value is an ideal to strive for in the relationship among employees, customers, suppliers and other stakeholders.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Procurement And Contract Advice For Clients Construction Essay

Procurement And Contract Advice For Clients Construction Essay This section of the report outlines both traditional and design and build forms of procurement to aid clients in understanding and selecting the appropriate method. Traditional Procurement: The most well known and widely accepted form of procurement in the construction industry. Traditional procurement caters for all types of client from individuals constructing a project for the first time too large complex projects where the function of the building is paramount. Traditional Organisation Client / Employer Contractor Subcontractors Employers Agent Quantity Surveyor Architect Civil / Structural Engineer Other Designers Contractual LinkThe traditional organisation diagram highlights how contractual links are formed within traditional procurement. As the client you are contractually bound to the design team. This is important and should be considered seriously as the contractor is at no direct contractual link to the architect. The primary procurement method in traditional procurement is the two stages tender. Initially the client must produce a brief which outlines what your requirements. This must include relevant figures such as budget and time constraints. Now a team of consultants needs to be appointed, this will comprise primarily of an architect who will guide you through the design and construction processes. Other members will need to be appointed based on the scope of the project. These include a quantity, structural engineer and a clients representative on larger projects. (Stage one) Design and tender documents can now be produced. A select number of contractors will be invited to tender on the partially completed tender documents. This will include a build up of the price of the project via a document called the bill of quantities. (Stage Two) A contractor is now selected based upon the price and having the relevant resources required to complete the project. The contractor now has involvement with the design team to negotiate a finalised price for completing the construction works. Also he can have involvement in finalising the design. This form of procurement is considered low risk as the risks to overspending, delays and failures in the design are reduced. This can only be achieved however, if the design has been thoroughly produced by the architect and completion date targets specified are unreasonable. Design and Build procurement: This procurement method differs from traditional procurement as the contractor is largely responsible for the design work. This relieves some of the contractual pressure on the client. With the contractor being involved in the project from the design stage it allows their expertise to be incorporated into the design phases. One of the largest advantages to design and build is the reduced time scale that projects can run to. Design information can be still being produced while construction work commences. This doesnt come without its risks however. Client / Employer Contractor Subcontractors Employers Agent Quantity Surveyor Architect Civil / Structural Engineer Other Designers Design and Build Organisation Tendering for design and build projects is more costly than traditional projects therefore the number of contractors tendering is reduced. This is due to the time and resources it takes for a contractor to produce the relevant design and pricing information. Cash flow within a design and build project can be more substantial in the beginning than traditional as the contractor requires money for the design as well as construction. This is also due to larger risk being imposed on the event of an issue in the design being raised by the client as the contractor is the first point of contact. This will then cover the costs of having to transfer this information. This is not required in traditional forms of procurement as the client is in direct contact with the architect. Types of Contract (The information for types of contract has been cited from deciding on the appropriate JCT contract 2008 available from the CIS published by Sweet Maxwell limited) Traditional: Lump sum contracts The agreed sum of construction is agreed based on a design and specification. A bill of quantities is produced for the contractors to price the works. Measurement contracts The end price of the construction works is not agreed until the end of the construction project. Cost reimbursement contracts Price of labour, plant and materials is calculated at the end of the project. Overheads and profit is then added onto this. Design and Build: Package deal or turnkey contract A package is selected usually from a set standard of specification from a contractor. Design and Build contracts This form of contract will cover the contractors obligations to the design and build of the project. JCT Standard building contract with quantities: This form of contract is suitable for the traditional procurement method. The client must appoint an architect, contract administrator and quantity surveyor to administer the work. Contractors will tender the works based on the drawings and a set of bill of quantities. Design and build contract: Standard form of contract for design and build works. Contractor is principally responsible for the design and construction of the project. Partnering: JCT contract also provides an outline for setting up a partnering agreement between select members of a construction project. Everyone throughout the supply chain is bound to the agreement to work collaboratively and to have everyone best interests in mind. This should be considered as a form of contract that Hotels R Us should look into in the future when they have sufficient experience in the industry. ICE This form of contract is suitable for civil engineering works such as bridges, roads and dams. The project will be designed by a team of engineers and qualified contractors will tender for the work. The engineer is the principal administrator acting on behalf of the client. NEC 3 compensation and event clauses The NEC 3 contract was derived from Ice form of contract. The principle goals of the NEC contract are to provide a contract that is flexible, simple and clear to understand. There are many different types of NEC contract which cover traditional and design and build types of procurement. This section is going to cover early warning procedures, compensation and event clauses. Early warning clauses can be found in section 16 of the NEC contract. These are basically a set of rules that the project manager and contractor must adhere to when they are aware of a cost or time issue on the project. It is there duty under contract to notify one and other and request an Early warning meeting which relevant members should be invited such as the client, architect or quantity surveyor. During these meeting the issue will be discussed and the relevant actions that need to be taken should be appointed. The advantages to this system of traditional methods of the contractor submitting a formal notice is that issues can be resolved in the most economically viable method, this offers clients more safety in terms of cash flow. Compensation events are covered in section 60 of the contract. These are claims made by the contractor requesting either more time or money for the project. The project manager can also notify the contractor if he is aware of such an issue. NEC3 outlines the methodology behind compensation events, the contract has eight weeks to notify being aware of a compensation event and must make a claim within this period. As a client entering into the construction industry for the first time it is often difficult to understand how and why construction projects can run over budget and cost more money. The compensation events detailed in the NEC3 contract try to justify how such events can occur.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Essay --

In the 1950s, space exploration represented the epitome of human scientific achievement. However, beginning in the 1970s, long-term goals of space exploration were shelved in favor of smaller projects that kept astronauts closer to Earth. Throughout the years, advocates have pushed for a return to space exploration, noting that valuable discoveries and technological advancements would likely emerge from such a program. In 2011, the United States ended its space shuttle program. While other countries such as China and Russia continue to expand their space programs today, American space exploration has been put to a halt. Many Americans believe that the United States space program requires a huge chunk of government funding. In reality, NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) spending typically comprises of less than one percent of the federal government's budget ("Space Exploration"). Many Americans have called for an end to government-funded space exploration because they feel like the space program does not offer any benefits to the average citizen and that the money would be better spent on Earth-based efforts to improve the nation ("Space Exploration"). What if by traveling to space and exploring the unknown territory, we in fact improve our nation? What if Mars is capable of sustaining life? What if the cure for cancer is lying beneath the surface of a planet? If space exploration remains halted, there might be many questions left unanswered. In 2004, President George W. Bush announced the end of the US space shuttle program in 2010. He planned to replace it with a space program named Constellation, which aimed to return Americans to the moon to do more research and to tap into that body's frozen water for mak... ...chael Lind, an author and policy director at the New America Foundation, said: When the Apollo astronauts landed on the moon, many assumed that this was the first step toward the permanent colonization of the moon and journeys by astronauts to other planets. From today's perspective, though, the space race was like the races to the North Pole and the South Pole. Once explorers had reached those destinations, the world lost interest. Space exploration is something that is extremely important to the future of our nation. Leaving space undiscovered would leave many questions unanswered. The solution to many of our nation's problems could be found in space, but Americans will never know unless space exploration continues to be successful. If the government no longer wants to fund a space program, space exploration should become privatized so that progress can be made. Essay -- In the 1950s, space exploration represented the epitome of human scientific achievement. However, beginning in the 1970s, long-term goals of space exploration were shelved in favor of smaller projects that kept astronauts closer to Earth. Throughout the years, advocates have pushed for a return to space exploration, noting that valuable discoveries and technological advancements would likely emerge from such a program. In 2011, the United States ended its space shuttle program. While other countries such as China and Russia continue to expand their space programs today, American space exploration has been put to a halt. Many Americans believe that the United States space program requires a huge chunk of government funding. In reality, NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) spending typically comprises of less than one percent of the federal government's budget ("Space Exploration"). Many Americans have called for an end to government-funded space exploration because they feel like the space program does not offer any benefits to the average citizen and that the money would be better spent on Earth-based efforts to improve the nation ("Space Exploration"). What if by traveling to space and exploring the unknown territory, we in fact improve our nation? What if Mars is capable of sustaining life? What if the cure for cancer is lying beneath the surface of a planet? If space exploration remains halted, there might be many questions left unanswered. In 2004, President George W. Bush announced the end of the US space shuttle program in 2010. He planned to replace it with a space program named Constellation, which aimed to return Americans to the moon to do more research and to tap into that body's frozen water for mak... ...chael Lind, an author and policy director at the New America Foundation, said: When the Apollo astronauts landed on the moon, many assumed that this was the first step toward the permanent colonization of the moon and journeys by astronauts to other planets. From today's perspective, though, the space race was like the races to the North Pole and the South Pole. Once explorers had reached those destinations, the world lost interest. Space exploration is something that is extremely important to the future of our nation. Leaving space undiscovered would leave many questions unanswered. The solution to many of our nation's problems could be found in space, but Americans will never know unless space exploration continues to be successful. If the government no longer wants to fund a space program, space exploration should become privatized so that progress can be made.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Key Elements of a Valid Contract and Their Importance Essay

I. Task 1: Explain the different types of business agreement and importance of the key elements required for the formation of a valid contract. 1. Key elements of a valid contract and their importance: Contract is very important in the business to bind one or more parties with the others. Hence, contract is defined as an agreement which legally binds the parties[1]. Contract is also an agreement made between two or more parties that create rights and obligations enforceable by law. They have to follow all the conditions in contracts and can not break it. There are three basic requirements that need to be satisfied in order to make a contract: An agreement; consideration; intention and capacity 1.1.An agreement: 1.1.1.Offer: Offer is one of two parts of an agreement. An offer is defined promise to  be bound on specific terms[2]. Generally, it’s accompanied by an expected acceptance. Offeror is the person who making an offer. Offeree is the one who accepts the offer. For example, the offeror makes an offer to purchase a car. If the offeree agrees, there is an agreement between two parties. An invitation to treat is not an offer, it’s only the invitation the other to make an offer. For instance, the advertising goods for sale through television or newspaper. An offer can be withdrew before the offeree reaches the offer or revoked before offeree’s acceptance. 1.1.2.Acceptance: Acceptance of the offer is the qualified agreement to the terms of the offer[3]. An acceptance is in oral , writing or in other communications. When an offer has been made, no contract is formed until the offeree accepts the offer. In addition, acceptance must be final and unconditional and communicated to the offeror. According to postal rule, the acceptance occurs when the letter is posted. The postal rule is not apply to instantaneous mode of communication. 1.2. Consideration: Consideration is usually described as being something which represents either some benefit to the person making a promise( the promisor) or some detriment to the person to whom the promise is made( the promisee) or both[4]. A consideration can be executory (a promise in return for a promise) or executed (an act in return for a promise), but not past. For instance, in the case Roscorla & Thomas(1942)[5]. In addition, the consideration doesn’t have to be adequate but must be sufficient. Furthermore, consideration must be legal, clear, certain and not be illusory. 1.3.Intention to create legal relations and capacity to contract: Intention to create legal relations: there are two kinds of intention: Domestic Agreement and Commercial Agreement. In every domestic agreement between the people who have special relationship, there is no intention to create legal relations. If there is evidence of commercial substance in domestic agreements, there is intention to create legal relation. In contract, the commercial agreements are usually intended to be legally binding. Beside the agreement, consideration and  intention, there is also capacity to contract. Capacity refers to ability of parties to fully understand the rights and obligations of an agreement. However, there are some groups which are unable to enter into binding contract: Minors, drunkards, bankrupt, mentally incapacitated. 2. Different types of business agreement: There are two types of business agreement: consumer non-consumer. 2.1.Consumer:  A person will be considered as a customer if he doesn’t make the contract in business but the other parties make. The goods which customer buy must be use for private purpose. Consumers have legislative protection from unfair terms in consumer contracts. A supplier of goods or services can have an advantage over the consumer by including such an unfair term in a contract. however, consumer contracts are open to a test of fairness. Specifically, a consumer is a person who is buying a service or a product for themselves from someone whose normal business it is to sell that product or service. When you buy goods or services you enter into a contract with the supplier of goods and services. This is called a consumer contract. The example typical example is R&B customs Brokers and United Dominions Trust Ltd 1988[6], this case is considered as a consumer sale, the company is not in the course of business. 2.2.Non-consumer: Non- consumer contract is the contract which is made between two or more parties which are in the course of business. NN .;,LJLKLKMLMKLMKLM , M. For example, company A buy televisions from company B. the resell the products to customers and make a profit. In this case, the company A is considered as non-consumer. II. Claim 1: There are two parties in this case: Trung and supplier. Trung saw an advertisement in the local paper for nearly new machine. The advertisement read: â€Å" A cutting machine $7,000 or nearest offer. In good working order. Recently tested, approved and guaranteed by the Ministry of works. Delivered to your address if within a 15 mile radius of our address†. The  advertisement is an invitation to treat. Trung purchased the machine over the telephone and waited for delivery. An invoice was sent for 7,000$ and it was paid. In this case, the invitation to treat of supplier becomes an offer and Trung agreed to purchase it. It’s a good consideration between the supplier and Trung. Hence, there is a contract. However, the machine never arrived. In this situation, the supplier breach the contract. The supplier of the machine claimed that Trung should have paid for delivery and that he had sold it to another customer, Sam for 8,500$. The supplier is prepared to return Trung’s cheque for $7,000. Situation 1: The way from supplier’s place to Trung’s place is within a 15 miles. The supplier offered Trung to buy the machine and free delivery fee to his address if within a 15 miles radius of his address. In addition, the length of the way from Trung’s place to supplier’s place is 15 miles. Therefore, Trung can sue the supplier for breaching of the contract. Situation 2: The way from supplier’s place to Trung’s place is more than 15 miles. The supplier offered that the delivery fee will be free if the length of the delivery way is within 15 miles. However, the way from supplier’s place to Trung’s place is more than 15 miles. Thus, Trung must pay the delivery fee in order to own the machine. III. Claim 2: There are two parties in this case: Robert( the husband) and Theresa( the wife). Robert and Theresa are planning to divorce. They have spent their married life in a house which they bought in joint names, with the help of a mortgage which has six years still o run. Robert and Theresa agree that Robert will move out of the house and if Theresa meets the mortgage repayments for the next six years, Robert will, at the end of that time, transfer sole ownership of the house to her. There is a domestic agreement between Robert and Theresa. Hence, there is no legally binding between the couple. However, Theresa pays the mortgage for a year, at which point Robert says he has changed his mind, and doesn’t intend to transfer his share of the house to her. Thus, there is evidence of commercial substance of Robert. . It’s similar to the case Merritt& Merritt, 1970 6. Therefore, Theresa can sue him for breaching of contract. If Robert had changed his mind before Theresa had started paying the mortgage, the offer can be revoked any time before the acceptance of Theresa. Hence, Theresa can not sue Robert for  breaching of the contract. If there is the same case, the husband should be careful and consider about his benefit when he decide to transfer the owner ship to his wife. In addition, the wife should get divorced with her husband before making a contract to be sure that she will own the house when she finishes paying the mortgage. IV. Claim 3: There are 3 parties in this case: Tung, Linh and the hotel. Tung is 16 years old and his friend, Linh is 19 years old. In this case, Tung is in minor group and he is unable to make a contract and irresponsible for all he acts. Tung books the hotel as part of the contract he states that all drinks and extra food are to be put on the bill. The hotel asks for a deposit of $500 which Tung pays but does not state his age. In this situation, there is a contract between Tung and the hotel. However, Tung is in minor group so he is unable to make a contract but the hotel didn’t check and care about his age. One night, Linh became hopelessly drunk, did not know what she was doing and damaged hotel hotel property. Linh was in drunkard and she caused the damages for the hotel. Although she was hopelessly drunk, she only needn’t to pay the damages when she was making the contract. According to Law of Torts, Linh caused the damages and did the legal wrong acts. Hence, Linh must pay for the damages which was caused by her in this case. The following day they were asked to leave the hotel. They refused to pay the outstanding bills and the hotel gave them a bill for $10000 for the damage they caused. The contract was made between Tung and the hotel. However, the hotel did’t ask his age and allowed him to hire the room. Hence, this is the hotel’s wrong action and Tung needn’t to pay for the outstanding bill of him and Linh. On the other hand, Tung is in minor group so his parents must pay for the outstanding bills. Therefore, in this case, Linh must pay $ 10.000 for the hotel’s damages. Tung and Linh needn’t to pay for the outstanding bills. However, Tung’s parents must pay for the bill. If Linh made a contract with the hotel and Tung didn’t make it, Linh must pay the outstanding bills for the hotel. Linh is more than 18 years old and she must respond for all her acts. Therefore, the outstanding bill must be paid by Linh and there is no wrong action of the hotel. If there is a similar case, the hotel should ask for the customer’s age before accepting him to hire the room. V. Task 4: Explain the differences among conditions, warranties and innominate terms with examples to illustrate. 1. Conditions:  The condition is defined as a term which is vital to the contract , going to the root of the contract[7]. When a condition is breached, the injured party can sue for the damages. For example, in the case Poussard and Spiers (1876)8, the singer can not sue the company because she breached the condition of the contract. Singing in an opera throughout a series of performance is considered as fundamental to the contract . 2. Warranties: Warranties is a less important term. It does not go to the root of the contract, but is subsidiary to the main purpose of the agreement 8. The warranty terms can be breached without highly important consequences. For example, in the case Bettini and Gye, 1876[8], the breach of the clause is considered as breach of warranty. Hence, the producer must accept the opera singer’s services 3. Innominate terms: The Innominate term is the term which is not a condition term or warranty term. The decision will depend on the nature and effect of the breach. If the effects are serious, the term will act as a condition. In contrast, If the effect of the breach is minor and not serious, the warranty term can be considered. For example, in the case Hong Kong Fir Shipping Co Ltd and Kawasaki Ltd(1962)[9] VI. Task 5: What do you understand about law on standard form contracts and give examples. The standard form contract is a standard document prepared by many large organizations and setting out the terms on which they contract with their customers. The individual must usually take it or leave it: he does not really† agree to it†[10]. There are some important features of standard contract. For instance, it’s often used by large corporation or as an attempt to limit liability for damages or losses. The standard form of contract is also used to delayed by the party presenting the standard form agreement[11]. In addition, the company’s representative and customers have no authority to negotiate the standard terms contract. In addition, the standard form contract is also defined as a contract between two parties  that does not allow for negotiation. It is often a contract that is entered into between unequal bargaining partners, such as when an individual is given a contract by the salesperson of a multinational corporation[12]. However, the standard form contract is rarely read. Although the information is discovered, the people might have no time to read it. The expected payoff from reading the contract is low and few people would be expected to read it. However, Standard form contracts may exploit unequal power relations. Once the goods is really important to the customer and they must accept the standard form of contract in order to own the goods. The consumer must accept the standard provisions and does not have the ability to change those terms . This problem may be mitigated if there are many suppliers of the good who can potentially offer different terms. This issue might extenuate if there mare more suppliers who can offer different terms. This is one typical example for standard form of contract: The Franchisee Plaintiffs’ arguments that the forum selection clause is unconscionable and that it is a contract of adhesion may be taken together. â€Å"An unconscionable bargain is one which no man in his senses and not under delusion would make on the one hand, and †¦ no honest and fair man would accept on the other.† The fact that the Franchise Agreement was presented on a take it or leave it basis and was not subject to negotiation renders it neither a contract of adhesion nor unconscionable[13]. VII. Claim 7: 1. The Claim: There are three parties in this case: Thanh, Tung and another party. Thanh won a contract to refurbish a blocks of 20 flats, the work to be completed within 12 weeks. There is a contract between Thanh and another party to refurbish the blocks. He subsequently subcontracted with Binh to install central heating in each of the flats for a fixed price of $20,000; $10,000 of which was to be paid on completion and the rest being paid in weekly installments. In this case, Thanh promised to pay Binh half of money. Binh agreed to complete the work in 12 weeks. There is an agreements between Binh and Thanh. Hence, there is a contract. After 6 weeks, Binh is unable to finish the work in 12 weeks because he had underpriced the work involved. After that, Thanh offered to pay Binh an addition $500 for each flat so long  as they were all furnished before the due completion date. According to Force Majeure, when the parties can foresee that difficulties are likely to arise but the parties can not foresee their precise nature or extent, Force majeure is applied[14]. Thus, it’s Thanh’s duty to pay more money for Binh to work. Binh carried on†¦work on the flats. In this case, Thanh ran out of money and he agreed to pay $5,000 of the money outstanding from the originary agreement. At this time, Binh has a consideration but Thanh didn’t. It’s not an agreement between Binh and Thanh. After that, Thanh awarded a prize $10,000. Thus, it’s Thanh’s duty to pay Binh this amout of money because the contract was made between Binh and Thanh. All in all, Thanh must pay Binh $10,000 of his award prize. 2. The Effects of Exlusion Clause: An exclusion clause is a clause which seeks to release one of the parties from liability should something go wrong with the contract[15]. Sometimes, the contract are unfair with some of the parties. Thus, the exclusion clauses will avoid liability for certain breaches of the contract. An exclusion clause must be incorporated into contract before it has legal effect. There are three ways of exemption clause which might be incorporated into a contract: by signature, reasonable notice and previous course of dealing. When a term is unusual, the attention of other parties is drawn to it when the contract is made. The example is in case Interfoto Picture Ltd and Stiletto Visual Programmes Ltd 1988[16]. However, there are some people or organizations who rely on the exclusion clause to make benefit for themselves, the court will interpret any ambiguity. It means that the terms must be clear and specific to be easy for other parties to understand. For example, in the case Hollier and Rambler Motors 1972[17], the acts of the garage can be considered as the negligence. Reference pages: 1. Common law, BPP professional Education 2. Contract Law, Catherine Elliott and Frances Quinn 3. 4. 5. 6.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Limited Use of Cell Phones

Argumentative essay Mobile cell phones should be limited in certain schools Mobile phones can be an issue in certain schools. Mobile phones should be banned in elementary and middle schools. However, phones during class in high school and college should be up to the teacher, whether or not to have them. As youths get older, they become more responsible on how they use their phones. Elementary  schools  shouldn’t  have  phones'  period. The  kids  shouldn’t  have  a  phone  that  young. They  don’t  need  it  for  many  reasons. Parents  know  where  they  are  any  ways. There  is  always  an  adult  around. In  case  of  an  emergency,  the  school  can  contact  the  parents.There  is  also  a  phone  in  the  office  and  every  classroom. Kids  that  young  are  easily  distracted  and  those  having  a  phone  will  make  it  worse. I f  they  have  a  phone,  they  won’t  do  their  class  work  or  homework. They  are  not  as  social  because  they  are  too  distracted  with  the  latest  Smartphone. Kids wouldn’t have as much fun with their friends that are over. They would be too involved in looking at their cell phones. Having  a  cell  phone  when  in  elementary  school  can  help  when  kids  are  walking  home  from  school. If  the  kids  don’t  answer  the  house  phone  when  they  are  home,  they  are  more  likely  to  answer  their  cell  phones.If  they  are  outside,  and  their  parents  try  to  call  they  won’t  hear  the  house  phone. Kids  won’t  bring  out  the  house  phone;  however,  will  bring  their  own  cell  phone. On  the  other  hand,  say  that  a  gr oup  of  5th  graders  are  walking  to  get  a  drink  from  sonic  or  7-elven they have something in case one of the parents wants to text them to see where they are. Middle schools should have phones either during school hours. Middle schoolers can be a little active. When you have a cell phone, they are more likely to cheat during a test. The students are more probable to text parents to get them out of a test or quiz.They are more likely to get into trouble. During class, they could be internet surfing and texting. They also could make wrong calls to authorities. Making an artificial call to authorities can make what you did a lot worse. Some parents think that schools should let students have their phones in use during school. They are a little more independent. They will always change their mind of what they are doing. If they have a parent pick them up, and they do an activity after school, and that activity gets canceled for some reason, the kids have to let the parents know.If a shooting happens during school hours, and the kids made it out, that would be a comfortable thing to do is to let the parents know. However, if they are stick in a classroom for a school shooting, it’s an easy way to text the parents to let them know that they kids are okay. Thankfully, the Deer Creek Middle school shooting happened after school hours, and almost everyone got away safely. The Deer Creek shooting was probably one of the things that scared me. I knew a lot of people that went to the school at the time. A gentleman came to the school grounds and started to shoot as students were leaving to head home.The shooter had gone to the school before to look around. He shot a girl in the arm and a boy in the chest. None of the students died. Students were either already on the bus, walking or getting picked up by a parent. Many students ran to Stony Creek, a nearby elementary school, to get away. Some of the students managed to jump into some strangers’ cars as well. Dr. Benke, a math teacher who was on bus duty, managed to get him onto the ground without getting more rounds off. Students who had phones were able to text friends to see if they were okay and to text parents. High school can be like college.The school should let the teachers pick if students are allowed to have phones or not. Students in high school are a little more responsible. The students know what is wrong and right. Students in high school are a little more responsible. If they really need to use their phones, they will go out into the hallways. For example if they needed to call their parents or any relative, for some reason. Most students are good about not using their phones during tests. Some classes do have some days where they need to look things up and that is where the smart phones come in handy.For example, if you are taking a foreign language class and need to look it up, you have the phone to look it up. That is if the teacher is busy and you can find it in the book. If they teachers don’t say anything about phones they can’t get mad at the students. Cell  phones  should  be  very  limited  in  high  school  but  not  as  strict  as  middle  school. For example,  they  should  be  allowed  during  passing  period  and  lunch  but  not  classes. Phones  should  be  turned  in  when  they  are  taking  a  test  or  quiz. Students  are  allowed  to  get  it  after  everyone  is  done.If  they  have  their  phones  out  the  students  can  take  a  picture  of  it  and  send  it  to  other  students  as  well  as  looking  up  answers. Students could also not pay attention to something that they need to know for college or their career path. They won’t focus on what is really important. Cell phones already take over so much of student’s l ives. College is a big campus to control, that’s why teachers should be allowed to pick whether or not to have cell phones in their classrooms. The president of the university can tell the teachers, that cell aren’t allowed. The students are old enough not to use phones in class.Nevertheless, there are certain times during class that it is appropriate time to use a phone. If a teacher has a more than 30 students, it is hard to see who has a phone or not. Students who are in a class that is not allowed to use a cell phone, may still try to sink using their phone. Many people can be split on phones in class in college. Ages in college, especially at Metro vary. Students who are older may have kids and need to be in contact with their kids. If they have later classes between one and three they may have their kid’s text them to let them know that they are home or got over to a friend’s house.As you go up in education the more it will change. Plus, the more yo u have to be responsible for yourself and your actions. Anyone having a cell phone can make you want and not want to do things that you normally do or not do. Students are more likely to use their phones during school than outside of school. With my own experience I’ve noticed that I would use my phone more during class than when I’m out of class. That’s why it should be limited in schools. Like being banned in elementary and middle schools and then having

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Myth of Individualism Essays

The Myth of Individualism Essays The Myth of Individualism Essay The Myth of Individualism Essay The Myth of Individualism America is famous for the reputation of being the land of opportunity, and for generations immigrants have fled to the United States to experience the freedom and equality our government lays claim to. The fundamental of this reputation is the American Dream, the belief that life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each by hard working regardless of social class or circumstances of birth(by James Truslow Adams). The American Dream is different for everyone, though it is most commonly associated with success, freedom, and happiness. The concept of the American Dream seems to have dwindled from where it was in the past few generations. It has gone from success, freedom, and happiness to having lots of money and the nicest possessions. Also, it is believed to be blind to race, sex, or socio-economic status. In today’s society we all hope and strive for this dream, but how many actually achieve the American Dream? Is it a reasonable goal that Americans should strive for, or is it a myth that only leads to self-destruction? Repeated examples and statistics of the lower-classes, those continually facing the harsh reality that opportunity and equality are empty promises, only prove the opposite. The countless stories of failure to reach the American Dream significantly override the few success stories that keep the myth alive. However, these few success stories keep Americans, as well as the rest of the world, believing in the false opportunities the American Dream puts forth. For generations, Americans have been led to believe that the American Dream is realistic. Perhaps the American Dream can only be a myth to the lower classes. According to Maria La Ganga in her article â€Å"Tent City, USA,† many former owners of the American dream are living the American nightmare in the tent city, struggle to stay clean and fed. In the same vein, those who attempt to disprove the American Dream are considered un-American, and so are quickly silenced. However, these few success stories and accusations cannot change the truth; the American Dream is not equally attainable to all. Poor parents cannot offer their children the same attention and motivation as parents of a higher-class can, therefore never providing these children with the belief that they are able to accomplish the American dream. Citizens who live in poverty work long hours for little pay, yet return to a household that in no way symbolizes the hard work put forth. Within this environment, very few people have the positive outlook to mentor children successfully. In addition, many families do not make sufficient income to provide adequate food, housing or health care, and so then health conditions are drastically different than those of the upper class. Although many Americans are proud of the free-trade economic structure in the US, capitalist policy is only widening the gap between rich and poor, keeping the lower-class away from attaining their American Dream. The American Dream was founded on the backs of small business-owners and farmers who at one time had the ability to become self-made men, but as Stephen Cruz pointed out in his interview with Studs Terkel, Its getting so big. The small-business venture is not there anymore. Business has become too big to influence. Because the capitalist economic structure supports private ownership and growth and opposes government intervention to prevent it, companies have grown big enough to have the characteristics of monopolies. Due to this, small companies or farmers cannot possibly compete with larger stores or corporate farms that can easily buy them out or price them out of business. Additionally, capitalism presents another oppressive strength that is beyond individual control: class domination. Therefore, even though America prides itself on being a classless society, a class system is unavoidable with a free-trade economic system because the private and individualistic characteristics force a distinction between the haves and have-nots. Class distinction provides not only feelings of inferiority for the lower-classes, but monetary inadequacy as well. Higher-class children have an advantage from birth since they are guaranteed large sums of money at some time in their lives. Furthermore, it is known that it takes money to make money in a capitalistic system and so the inheritance laws only widen the gap between the rich and poor, keeping the lower-class exactly where they started: on the bottom. The American dream can only offer empty promises of equal opportunity to ucceed. People are driven to work hard by the notion of success without having almost any chance to succeed. However, because the American Dream is so deeply embedded in our culture, it greatly influences our perception of others and our perception of success. The all you need is hard work to succeed mindset has encouraged Americans to flaunt costly possessions to give the persona of a hard worker, while Americans who do not own extravagant objects are l ooked at as lazy or incompetent. In reality, most cases are opposite. It is undeniable that an American laboring long hour for minimum wage works harder than an American who doesnt maintain a job because he lives off inheritance money, but that is not what the myth has taught us. Even for those who have completed the American Dream, it’s not necessary a happy ending. In the story Ragged Dick, Horatio Alger writes about a young man’s progress from poor background that searches for wealth. In this story Dick has gone from rags to riches, immediately after his success he wants to move to a nicer quarter of the city? But will this move satisfy his wants? Even though Dick is moving to a better part of town, there will always be a place that’s even better than this. The American Dream has taught us that each American has an equal opportunity to succeed and because it has been accepted for generations, the myth continues to make us blind to the many inequalities that prevent the lower class from reaching their dream. Therefore, the American Dream will only leave lower-class Americans as they continue to see their dreams die, while they watch the dreams of the higher-class blossom The American Dream does not offer hope, but rather keeps Americans in the same class they were born into. The pattern will persist from generation to generation, making the rich richer and forcing the poor to become poorer unless action is taken. This vicious cycle is a result of a blinding myth that not only gives false hopes, but prevents the inequalities of America from taking center stage. It seems as though the myth cannot be weakened, but then after all, with a little hard work, one can do anything. Terkel, Studs. Stephen Cruz. Rereading America. Eds. Gary Colombo, Robert Cullen, and Bonnie Lisle. Boston: Bedford/ St. Alger, Horatio. â€Å"From Ragged Dick. † Rereading America. Eds. Gary Colombo, Robert Cullen, and Bonnie Lisle. Boston: Bedford/ St. Ganga, Maria La. Tent City. Los Angeles Times [Los Angeles] 26 Mar. 2009. The Standard. Web. 14 Nov. 2011. .

Monday, October 21, 2019

Reading for the Implied Main Idea

Reading for the Implied Main Idea Before getting into a discussion on how to find an implied main idea, you have to know what the main idea is in the first place. The main idea of a paragraph is the point of the passage, minus all the details. Its the big picture - the Solar System vs. the planets. The football game vs. the fans, cheerleaders, quarterback, and uniforms. The Oscars vs. actors, the red carpet, designer gowns, and films. Its the summary. What Is an Implied Main Idea? Sometimes, a reader will get lucky and the main idea will be a stated main idea, where the main idea is easy to find because its written directly in the text. However, many of the passages youll read on a standardized test like the SAT or GRE will have an implied main idea, which is a little trickier. If the author doesnt directly state the main idea of the text, its up to you to infer what the main idea is. Finding the implied main idea is easier if you think of the passage as a box. Inside the box, is a random group of stuff (the details of the passage). Pull each item from the box and try to figure out what they each have in common, kind of like the game Tri-Bond. Once youve figured out what the common bond is among each of the items, youll be able to summarize the passage in a snap. How to Find the Implied Main Idea Read the passage of text.Ask this question to yourself: What do each of the details of the passage have in common?In your own words, find the common bond among all the details of the passage and the authors point about this bond.Compose a short sentence stating the bond and what the author says about the bond. Step 1: Read the Implied Main Idea Example When youre with your friends, its okay to be loud and use slang. Theyll expect it and they arent grading you on your grammar. When youre standing in a boardroom or sitting for an interview, you should use your best English possible, and keep your tone suitable to the working environment. Try to gauge the personality of the interviewer and the setting of the workplace before cracking jokes or speaking out of turn. If youre ever in a position to speak publicly, always ask about your audience, and modify your language, tone, pitch and topic based on what you think the audiences preferences would be. Youd never give a lecture about atoms to third-graders! Step 2: Whats the Common Thread? In this case, the author is writing about hanging out with friends, going on an interview, and speaking publicly, which, at first glance, dont seem to relate to each other that much. If you find a common bond among all them, though, youll see that the author is giving you different situations and then telling us to speak differently in each setting (use slang with friends, be respectful and quiet in an interview, modify your tone publicly). The common bond is speaking, which will have to be part of the implied main idea. Step 3. Summarize the Passage A sentence like Different situations requires different kinds of speech would fit perfectly as the implied main idea of that passage. We had to infer that because the sentence doesnt appear anywhere in the paragraph, but it was easy enough to find this implied main idea when you looked at the common bond uniting each idea.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

A Biography Of Sir James Chadwick History Essay

A Biography Of Sir James Chadwick History Essay James Chadwick, a remarkable man, may rank among the greatest of all experimental nuclear physicists and he may have played a pivotal role in the development of the atom bomb. James Chadwick had many achievements – Nobel Prize, wartime knighthood, Master of Gonville and Caius, Companion of Honor à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ã¢â‚¬  but was a troubled, hyper-tense human being, capable of love and anger as well as restraint. Chadwick was born in Bollington, not far from Manchester, England, on October 20, 1891, to John Joseph Chadwick and Ann Mary Knowles. Chadwick senior owned a laundry business in Manchester. At the age of sixteen, Chadwick won a scholarship to the University of Manchester, where he had intended to study mathematics. However, because he was mistakenly interviewed for admittance to the physics program and was too shy to explain the error, he decided to stay in physics. Initially Chadwick was disappointed in the physics classes, finding them too large and noisy. But in h is second year, he heard a lecture by experimental physicist Ernest Rutherford about his early New Zealand experiments. Chadwick established a close working relationship with Rutherford and graduated in 1911 with first honors. Chadwick stayed at Manchester to work on his master’s degree. During this time he made the acquaintance of others in the physics department, including Hans Geiger and Niels Bohr. Chadwick completed his M.S. in 1913 and won a scholarship that required him to do his research away from the institution that granted his degree. At this time Geiger returned to Germany, and Chadwick decided to follow him. Chadwick had not been in Germany long when World War I broke out. Soon he was arrested and sat in a Berlin jail for ten days until Geiger’s laboratory interceded for his release. Eventually Chadwick was interned for the duration of the war, as were all other Englishmen in Germany. Chadwick spent the war years confined at a race track, where he shared w ith five other men a stable intended for two horses. His four years there were quiet, cold, and hungry. He managed to maintain correspondence with Geiger. Although the work he did under such harsh conditions was not very fruitful, Chadwick felt that the experience of internment contributed to his maturity. Moreover, when Chadwick returned to England, he found that no one else had made much progress in nuclear physics during his time away. His careful self-humbleness, though, kept him from the limelight, and his primary role over the next 20 years was as Rutherford’s assistant. They had a complex relationship where Chadwick was confidant, critic and counselor as well as general factotum (laborer) for the great man, particularly during their long association at the Cavendish Laboratory in Cambridge. One of Chadwick’s first tasks was to help Rutherford establish a unit of measurement for radioactivity, to aid in experiments with the radiation of atomic nuclei. Chadwick th en developed a method to measure radioactivity that required the observation of flashes, called scintillations, in zinc sulfide crystals under a microscope and in complete darkness. Chadwick and Rutherford spent much time experimenting with the transmutation of elements, attempting to break up the nucleus of one element so that different elements would be formed. This work eventually led to other experiments to gauge the size and map the structure of the atomic nucleus.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Plant Biology questions ---angiosperm questions Assignment

Plant Biology questions ---angiosperm questions - Assignment Example Cotyledons are tiny structures found in seed and they form leaves during their later developments. Nonetheless, among the angiosperm species include dandelions with genus Taraxacum in the family Asteraceae. Additionally, there is the Orchis adenocheilae  species of the Orchis genus in the family of Orchis or the orchidaceae. Dandelions (Taraxacum officinale) are a weed that is common in North America. They are nuisance in lawns; however, they also appear in garden beds. They are dark green with jagged edged leaves that are arranged in circular rosettes (Martin, 2005; PG. 05). Their stems usually rise from rosettes with bright yellow tops. They can be described as daisy shaped flowers that often open in mid spring after which they quickly puff white seed heads. Each seed has parachute that flies off with wind; thus, they are dispersed by wing (Dodson, n.d.; PG. 01). These seeds germinate eagerly; however, they take time to have footholds. They often bloom in nearly all seasons and r eadily survive winter that affects nearly the entire North America (Wachman, n.d.; 01). They have deep taproots which readily sprout new leaves if root is not killed or removed. When damaged, the entire plant seep milky sap. Alternatively, the Orchis adenocheilae  has different characteristics that make them distinguished from other flowers. The sexual portions of Orchis adenocheilae  are different from other flowers in that they are characterized by reduced number of sexual portions (Jacquemyn et al. 2011; pg. 01). The general flower is characterized by style, filaments, anthers, and stigma, features that are reduced in Orchis adenocheilae  and fused into a single structured referred to column. Orchids have only one anther that is situated at the apex of their column (Yang, 2011; PG. 01). Additionally, an orchid’s ovary has three carpels that fused to an outward evidence of existing three ridges that are found on the outside of seed pods. Notably, a mature orchid seed opens usually opens about the middle juncture between the lines. Therefore, the seeds of this flower are dispersed through self dispersion. The ovules are often arranged in the inside of the ridges of the ovary where they do not develop until the flower is pollinated; therefore, the delay between pollination and opening up of the dry pod. Finally, it is worth noting that petals and sepals are quite distinct in orchids and have remained the main distinction between them and other flowers (Garden and Landscape Tips, n.d.; pg. 01). Their petals are referred to labellum or lip. Two or up to three of these sepals are usually joined to a column and their fertile stamens are usually located on one side on the flower. Finally, it is worth noting that orchids depend on self and cross- pollination. Nonetheless, it is worth noting that orchids in hot regions depend on cross pollination that is facilitated by different types of bees while those in cold regions depend on self pollination (Dodson , n.d.; PG. 01). However, they depend on mycorrhizal fungi to complete their life cycle especially at their early stage of development. The Orchids is the largest angiosperm and has nearly two thousand species including the Orchis adenocheilae. In the communities in the ecological system, species usually interact with one another to form a complex and a highly structured network. These network structures usually vary

Business culture Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Business culture - Research Paper Example USA and South Korea have maintained a very strong and supportive relation among each other since 1960. The multicultural relation among these two countries has started since the Korean War during the early fifties. During the Korean War US played a very vital role towards South Korea to give them the financial and political support towards the establishment of new developed nation. Since then South Korea has grown fast and it has reduced its dependency upon the United States of America. United States is one of the largest oversees trading partners of South Korea, In 1998 due to the dictatorship of the ruling party United Democratic Front and Combined Force Command (CFC), the relation among US and South Korea has faced some frictions which made South Korea to divert their way from US. However, in 2007 June South Korea and United States of America have signed a free trade agreement (FTA) which helped them to sustain the positive trade relation among the two countries. Business relation has become very strong among these two countries but if the focus is given thoroughly towards the nature of doing business and the socio-cultural differences between these two countries then, it can be seen that, the way of doing business in each of these countries are totally different. It is very important to understand the socio-economic structure of any country to do business or to set up a new industry. South Korea’s business culture is very much different than the US. South Korea is the fourth largest developed economy among the Asian countries, but it would be a big mistake to presume what worked for Japan, China or any other Asian Countries are same for South Korea. In other hand United Sates of American (USA) is a mixture of many races, cultures and religions, it is the best known cosmopolitan country in the world. The free mind and mixed cultural balance have made USA the powerful business

Capital Market Theories Market Efficiency Versus Investor Prospects Essay

Capital Market Theories Market Efficiency Versus Investor Prospects - Essay Example One example of such services is information technology consultancy provided by the external auditors to their audit clients. This approach was an already existing policy of many good governance advocates. The huge scandals that involved companies like, Enron and WorldCom, who were associated with accounting frauds characterized by presentation of obscure, incomplete and confusing financial data and business relationships that had misled external investors, had suggested the necessity to introduce an act that will impose strict regulations on the accounting system all over the world, thereby giving rise to a robust governance framework. That being said, it is not surprising that following the scandals, the reforms that were brought in the post-SOX governance framework were mostly related to the process of auditing and presenting financial data. The largest dollar impact on the US economy was stimulated by the post-SOX changes made in the auditing regulations. The post-SOX reforms were directed towards eliminating and reducing relationships that may pressurize, tempt or influence an external auditor into acting in a biased manner towards their corporate clients. The underlying idea behind these changes was to render the auditing officials less likely to fall into the pattern of acting as reciprocating relatives. This was done in order to satisfy their interests at the expense of the investments made by the public. As far as the new audit related changes in the board of governance is concerned, the mandates had called for changes to be made in the managerial level in order to reduce any conflict of interest and interpersonal pressures. This reform was brought primarily because it would require the directors to act as judgmental monitors of management instead of acting as a reciprocating friend. In addition to these rules that emphasized on conflict reduction, other standards were also

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Storyteller Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Storyteller - Essay Example But he fails to specify the location of the story which is rather important for the children in understanding the culture and the story itself. This gives the audience something concrete to think about, which makes them more involved mentally. When crafting a story, use people, places, and things the children knows. His vocabulary is exceptional and his pauses very much suit the children's speed of understanding. He also entertains and amuses children with his mimicking and gestures. Dialogues make use of different voices for different characters and he shifts his facing (or posture) as the dialog switches from character to character (smaller pot to bigger one). But sometimes his mimic and gesture go out of hand and looks hard. Keep gestures simple and natural. Gestures should add to the story, not detract from it. Be careful in being overly dramatic and trying to change the voice in a too dramatic way. This may actually be distracting. Also, it is extremely difficult to maintain this. The character may end up speaking with the wrong voice. The gesture should feel "right" at the spot where you are using it. The story is important and avoid showy movements which detract from the story. The audience has a very important role in storytelling - for their minds are the canvas on which the teller paints his tale. Here Vernon understands children's mind very well and chose a story which fits them well. He also looked to that the story gives the message everyone has their own purpose. This serves to teach the younger minds of the moral values. Mike Lockett - Anansi and the Snake Mike is also very much professional in creating the interest by his maneuvers. But he looks pretty hurried up in narrating the story. He starts the story in full swing and ends it the same way. He doesn't give his audience time to settle down to his narration speed. Storytelling is best done in a relaxed atmosphere. The audience ought to be comfortable and close. But he has this tool of driving the attention of the audience through his mimics. Here is mimicking of the snake and Ananci drew the attention. Many factors affect the attention of your listeners. A storyteller always needs to be sensitive to his audience and may need to regain their attention before continuing. He also uses his voice to create the atmosphere or tension as the story progresses. He also adds some selected phrases to provide the regional color. Watch that the attempts at dialect are not interpreted as making fun of someone's "accent." He made investigation of classic editions of works, the dialects used and the culture of the source country. To retain the original flavor and vigor, he has learnt the characteristic phrases which recur throughout the story. He also doesn't hesitate to use the dialects of the original story so as to create a feel for the source culture among the audience. He modulates his voice to help establish the mood. Sometimes lowering the voice is more effective in establishing suspense than raising it. Further he introduces classic tales which all well-informed people should know. Mike Miller -Benny the Frog Probably mike comes first to me in narrating the

The Effect of Brain Hemisphere Dominance on Learning Research Paper

The Effect of Brain Hemisphere Dominance on Learning - Research Paper Example Teaching and learning have been extensively studied with respect to hemispheric dominance in order to improve the teaching experience for the benefit of students. Left brain dominant students learn better in the classrooms through lectures because they are primarily auditory learners while right brain dominant subjects grasp more knowledge when information is delivered through visual media. This paper is primarily based on analyzing the major effects of brain hemisphere dominance on students’ learning process by reviewing what contemporary research material has to say on the subject. For many years, brain hemisphere dominance has been considered little more than a scientific myth and researchers have had to struggle relentlessly to bring light to the facts. Because the effect of hemisphere dominance on learning is established now, it is important for parents and teachers to realize which children are right brain dominant and which otherwise to adjust teaching methods to those preferences. It is important to realize that â€Å"neither of these hemispheres is superior to the other, they just have different specialized functions† (Duman, 2010, p. 2078). ... lassroom are right brain dominant and which left brain dominant, information can be delivered in a way that is best received by dominant hemispheres and more importantly teachers can then â€Å"review or practice that information in ways that involve their less dominant hemispheres† (Child Learning, 2012). A variety of reliable quiz tests are available these days which can be used teachers to judge brain hemisphere dominance in their students and then devise teaching styles according to results gathered. When right/left hemisphere dominance is decided, true parental and teaching guidance can work miracles in enabling a student to intelligently process his/her thoughts, interact with, and understand others. Research implies that brain hemispheric dominance inflicts huge influence on an individual’s â€Å"study skills, homework habits, and grades† (Fleming, 2013). Right brain dominance is related to an impulsive nature less equipped with the ability to reason while left hemispheric dominance is related to a more logical mind which takes time in reaching decisions by weighing pros and cons of everything. It is claimed that right brain dominant students are rather impulsive, active, and have difficulty coping with verbal directions like in case of lectures. They also face a harder time expressing themselves in words than left brain dominant students and lose track of time easily. On the other hand, the effects of left brain dominance on learning are such that students learn better through verbal directions and effortlessly express their ideas in words. This difference in brain hemispheric dominance explains why right brain dominant individuals are often described as dreamy and left brain dominant persons as very analytical and logical. This difference in brain types is

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis - Research Paper Example Epidemiology The incidence of this condition in the United States is 4-14 per 100,000 children of less than 16 years of age, per year (Rabinovich, 2010). The prevalence rates are estimated to be 9-113 cases, per 100,000 population in general (Rabinovich, 2010). Internationally, it has been found that this condition is more prevalent among certain populations like Native Americans (Rabinovich, 2010). Etiology More often than not, the cause of this condition is idiopathic and most researchers are of the opinion that the disease occurs due to interaction of multiple factors, the environmental, genetic and infectious factors (Ringold et al, 2005). The gene which has been implicated for this condition is IL2RA/CD25 gene. Another gene which has been implicated is VTCN1 gene (Rabinovich, 2010). Pathophysiology The pathogenesis is not well understood. Most of the experts opine that an external trigger, in the form of trauma or infection triggers autoimmune reaction and this leads to synovial hypertrophy and inflammation of the synovium. The inflammation extends further and affects other organs too (Rabinovich, 2010). ... The onset is either abrupt or insidious. other symptoms include limping, gastrointestinal symptoms, redness of eye, fever, photophobia, orthopnea, weight loss, systemic illness and shortness of breath (Ringold et al, 2005). Children with this condition usually have history of school absences. They are unlikely to participate in physical education classes. In many children, a triggering factor, either in the form of infection or in the form of trauma may be noted. History of travel to regions endemic for ticks can point to a diagnosis of Lyme's disease. In some children anemia may be present. Illness in home pets is significant and can point to the diagnosis of reactive arthritis (Rabinovich, 2010). Physical examination may reveal arthritis, macular rash, hepatosplenomegaly, lymphadenopathy, muscle tenderness, serositis and pericardial rub (Rabinovich, 2010). Types There are mainly 5 types of juvenile idiopathic arthritis which have been described. These are based on the number of joi nts involved within 6 months of presentation and associated involvement of other organs in the body (Ringold et al, 2005). They are: 1. Oligoarthritis: This is the most common type of juvenile idiopathic arthritis and accounts for more than 50 percent of the cases. It involves less than 5 joints. Uveitis is commonly associated with this type (Ringold et al, 2005). 2. Polyarthritis: More than 5 joints are involved in this type (Ringold et al, 2005). 3. Systemic arthritis: Systemic involvement is predominant in this type and presents as fever, generalised rash and inflammation of various other organs along with arthritis. 10- 20 percent cases of juvenile idiopathic arthritis present with systemic involvement (Ringold et al, 2005). 4. Enthesitis-related

The Effect of Brain Hemisphere Dominance on Learning Research Paper

The Effect of Brain Hemisphere Dominance on Learning - Research Paper Example Teaching and learning have been extensively studied with respect to hemispheric dominance in order to improve the teaching experience for the benefit of students. Left brain dominant students learn better in the classrooms through lectures because they are primarily auditory learners while right brain dominant subjects grasp more knowledge when information is delivered through visual media. This paper is primarily based on analyzing the major effects of brain hemisphere dominance on students’ learning process by reviewing what contemporary research material has to say on the subject. For many years, brain hemisphere dominance has been considered little more than a scientific myth and researchers have had to struggle relentlessly to bring light to the facts. Because the effect of hemisphere dominance on learning is established now, it is important for parents and teachers to realize which children are right brain dominant and which otherwise to adjust teaching methods to those preferences. It is important to realize that â€Å"neither of these hemispheres is superior to the other, they just have different specialized functions† (Duman, 2010, p. 2078). ... lassroom are right brain dominant and which left brain dominant, information can be delivered in a way that is best received by dominant hemispheres and more importantly teachers can then â€Å"review or practice that information in ways that involve their less dominant hemispheres† (Child Learning, 2012). A variety of reliable quiz tests are available these days which can be used teachers to judge brain hemisphere dominance in their students and then devise teaching styles according to results gathered. When right/left hemisphere dominance is decided, true parental and teaching guidance can work miracles in enabling a student to intelligently process his/her thoughts, interact with, and understand others. Research implies that brain hemispheric dominance inflicts huge influence on an individual’s â€Å"study skills, homework habits, and grades† (Fleming, 2013). Right brain dominance is related to an impulsive nature less equipped with the ability to reason while left hemispheric dominance is related to a more logical mind which takes time in reaching decisions by weighing pros and cons of everything. It is claimed that right brain dominant students are rather impulsive, active, and have difficulty coping with verbal directions like in case of lectures. They also face a harder time expressing themselves in words than left brain dominant students and lose track of time easily. On the other hand, the effects of left brain dominance on learning are such that students learn better through verbal directions and effortlessly express their ideas in words. This difference in brain hemispheric dominance explains why right brain dominant individuals are often described as dreamy and left brain dominant persons as very analytical and logical. This difference in brain types is

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Reasons for Abolishing the Trade Embargo with Cuba Essay Example for Free

Reasons for Abolishing the Trade Embargo with Cuba Essay Cuban and U.S. relations have been on the rocks for the last 50 odd years. What follows is some background information on what has caused the rift between the two countries. It is a brief history of the American backed Batista that allowed U.S. interests to flourish in Cuba, juxtaposed against the rebel leader Castro that came afterward and the lasting effects that that has had with the relationship between Cuba and the United States and the resulting embargo that sprung from the wake. After the brief history, there is a dissection of the problems and consequences that this embargo has had on the U.S. and policy suggestion to help mitigate and repair relations. Background Cuba became an independent state in 1902. From that time until 1956, with the communist revolution, Cuba has seen countless vies for power through revolution and seen other conflicts as well. For the purposes of this paper, however, focus will remain on Fulgencio Batista, his ties with the U.S.A., and Fidel Castro after that fact. Fulgencio Batista’s rule in Cuba is a sordid one. He was first elected as President of Cuba in 1933. During this period he can be seen in a generally good light, having an efficient government that instituted such legislation as the 1940 Constitution of Cuba. He left to the United States after retiring in 1944, and from that time until 1 952 Cuba descended into corruption. He returned to power from 1952-1959, which was a bloodless coup d’à ©tat, deposing the current President in what was seen as a welcome change. This time around he would be seen as a dictator himself, revoking the Constitution and embezzling large sums of money . The United States backed Batista’s rule, and recognized him as the leader. With regards to the U.S.’s economic interests in Cuba at the time, Kennedy said this: â€Å"In a manner certain to antagonize the Cuban people, we used the influence of our Government to advance the interests of and increase the profits of the private American companies, which dominated the islands economy. At the beginning of 1959 United States companies owned about 40 percent of the Cuban sugar lands almost all the cattle ranches 90 percent of the mines and mineral concessions 80 percent of the utilities and practically all the oil industry and supplied two-thirds of Cubas imports.† This shows how heavily invested in the economy of Cuba the United States were at the time. The sheer amount of American ownership, coupled with the disparity in income between classes in Cuba, goes to show where the feelings of corruption came from, which set the stage for Fidel Castro’s revolution in 1959. Since the American backed former Cuban government had been overthrown with Fidel now in charge, it would stand to reason that the United States didn’t back the new Cuban regime, and with Fidel pushing most of the blame of Cuban problems on United State’s shoulders, he wasn’t too fond of the United States government. He nationalized all of Cuba’s industries, and started implementing a Communist regime in place of the former corrupt Capitalist system. Russia ever looking for an edge on American, during the Cold War, swooped in with aid and support, and in return asked for their allegiance, and to place Russian missile bases on Cuban soil. America not wishing to see Russian military a mere 90 miles away, stepped in to blockade Cuba, resulting in the well known â€Å"Cuban Missile Crisis†. The missile crisis resulted in a trade embargo against the Cuban nation, and more importantly against the Castro administration. This didn’t affect Cuba much at the time, as they were receiving aid from the Soviets, but after the Soviet Union fell in the 1990’s that aid stopped coming. The American embargo stayed, however, resulting in a hole, where goods normally would be, but no longer were coming. Cubans called this period in time â€Å"perà ­odo econà ³mico especial† or the special economic period . As of late, the U.S.A. has loosened the embargo a bit, allowing travel there for people with Cuban family, but Cuba remains the only country that the American government forbids its citizens to visit. Statement of Problem The embargo on Cuba is a relic of the Cold War and it’s time to put it behind us. It’s unpopular among American citizens, and detrimental to Cuban citizens. There’s a huge untapped market for American goods there that could be a nice injection into the American economy. The resulting influx money might seek to raise Cuba’s middle class, and in turn undermine Castro. The lack of a democracy and human rights violations are a valid concern, but it is hypocritical to do business with some communist regimes, and human rights violators, and not others. Russia, China, and Venezuela are all important partners in trade for the United States of America; they are also violating many human rights. We imported $34.6 billion worth of goods from Russia, $310.9 billion from China, and $28.9 billion from Venezuela all in 2011 alone . To name one instance that happened in Russia: â€Å"in June 2011 Baskhanov helped organize a small, peaceful, anti-torture rally in Grozny, the Chechen capital. Police dispersed the demonstration, detained Baskhanov and his colleague, and threatened them with reprisals if they persevered in efforts to hold police accountable.† This represents a blatant disregard of freedom to assemble, which is in the U.S.’s first amendment. China represses the internet for its people, not to mention the atrocities done to the Tibetans. It is arguably the worst modern state in regards to human rights. Venezuela is perhaps the best comparison to the situation in Cuba, however. Hugo Chavez, leader of Venezuela, is a critic of the capitalist system, and an advocate of communism. He nationalized industry similar to Castro. He puts down sedition the same way, and their violations of human rights are much the same, but yet we trade with Venezuela. The only substantive difference is that Hugo Chavez had the fortune of taking power after the fall of the Soviet Union. Since we have already set a precedence of trading with non-democratic governments, we can look to the benefit of opening up trade with Cuba. The United States is in the throes of a recession and should be constantly on the lookout for new markets for their products. A 2009 study found that doing away with all restrictions dealing with the export of agricultural goods would have resulted in a gain of $26-$74 million in dairy products alone . Plus the irony of a capitalist country selling goods to a communist country has to be worth something. Losing the embargo because you trade with other communist nations, and because you can earn lots of money might appeal to the realists out there, but it would look abhorrent to any idealists. Undercutting human rights to make a quick buck can seem pretty sleazy. For those people it is worth noting that the U.N. has voted on ending the embargo for 21 straight years , with the United States and Israel the only naysayers. Policy Recommendation In order to foster trade with Cuba it would be important to repeal all past policies that inhibit the ability for U.S. trade, which would in effect eliminate the embargo all together. To protect American interests in the area, and back at home, we would need to implement new policy that focuses on the protection of U.S. companies seeking trade with Cuba, and a repair of our relations over there. There will need to be mediation from outside sources, perhaps the U.N. could step in, that way both parties would be getting the best of possible outcome. The policies that would need to be repealed, for example, would be the Cuban Democracy Act and the Helms-Burton Act. The Cuban Democracy Act reinforced sanctions brought up from the original embargo, stating that the U.S. would continue the embargo as a way to force the adoption of democratic principles onto Cuba. This obviously hasn’t been working, as Fidel and Raul Castro have been in power since 1959. It comes off as an excuse to retain the embargo on ideological levels in light of almost no support on the global level. Both these acts reinforce the embargo and were signed in the 1990’s. They come off as a power play, in that for trade to resume between the two countries, Cuba would have to concede its current government in favor of a democratically elected one, which is pretty unrealistic as long Castro is alive. To concede the decision to the U.N. would put good faith in global politics, and would influence other countries to do the same with interstate conflicts. It would help mend the negative light that other countries look at us in, and we might be able to leverage putting such a decision in their hands for good faith in other dealings. Especially with such underwhelming support from the global community for the embargo over the past 20 years it would help us appear humble and avoid the warmongering persona many countries see us to have. To continue with the economic discussion, when Cuba nationalized all of its industry throughout the 60’s American business men that had been operating in the area lost all of the capital that they held on the island. These holdings are estimated at a worth of over $6 billion . These holdings are in the hands of American citizens, not necessarily the U.S. government. It would be wise to recoup as much of that as possible, and if the Cuban government has an interest in trading with Americans it is somewhat feasible that a recoupment would be possible, if not for that amount, at least a portion of it. If the Cubans refused that payment pressure from the U.N. could help persuade them to do so. If the U.N. deemed the acquisition of those funds superfluous, it would then be in our best interest to agree. There’s definitely an argument against them owing us that money as we owned the majority of their economy in a corrupt system, also it having happened over 50 years ago (1/5 of the time the U.S.A. has been a country, for a frame of reference). It’s obvious you can’t just change policy like this overnight, as there are some issues that need to be ironed out at levels that aren’t just about economics and trade. We retain four Cuban nationals under charges of spying, and Cuba is holding American Alan Gross. With America’s â€Å"don’t negotiate with terrorists† attitude it’s not surprising we haven’t allowed the trading of prisoners with a country that we have sanctions against but it would be in both countries interest to allow the trade. It comes off as petty to not allow Alan Gross back into the country in exchange for some Cuban nationals. By allowing the exchange of prisoners it would be a show of good faith by both countries. Conclusion Looking at the problem objectively, it can be seen that the embargo has sprung up from the United States worry at a communist regime so close to its own borders, which was justified at the time in the throes of the Cold War and the Cuban Missile Crisis. Although Cuba hasn’t been much a friend in the past, the embargo is an overall detriment for everyone involved and doesn’t even succeed at what it, in theory, sets out to do. It has no support on the national level, and even less support on the global scale. Furthermore it doesn’t make fiscal sense to exclude potential markets whilst in the middle of a recession. A policy that helps foster peace and economic gain for so little loss could easily be implemented benefitting all involved. It’s an anachronism from a time long past, and a hegemonic power such as the U.S. should never foster animosity between countries that are so close to their borders, that is what is the most prevalent danger: having such an enemy not 90 miles away from American coastlines. Works Cited Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica Online. Fulgencio Batista . (accessed December 05, 2012). Human Rights Watch. World Report 2011. 2011. (accessed December 5, 2012). Kennedy, John. Remarks of Senator John F. Kennedy at Democratic Dinner, Cincinnati, Ohio (October 6, 1960). Poblete, Jason. U.S. Claims Against Cuba, Buyer Beware. August 4, 2008. (accessed December 6, 2012). United Nations General Assembly. November 13, 2012. (accessed December 05, 2012). United States Census. U.S. Trade in Goods by Country. 2011. (accessed December 05, 2012). Wood, Roberta. Senators confident on votes to lift Cuba travel ban. July 14, 2010. (accessed December 05, 2012).

Monday, October 14, 2019

Projector Functions And Uses Computer Science Essay

Projector Functions And Uses Computer Science Essay A projector is to display images from computer or laptop. The term wireless is used to describe how the projector receives the signal. Presentation projector always having wire mess up here and there, this is where wireless projector comes in. It solves the problem of wiring by transmitting without wire using wireless technology such as Bluetooth, radio frequency and Wi-Fi. By eliminating wiring problem, it will speed up the time of setting up through wire. This will also allow multiple users to be connected to projector at a time to present their content from their laptop. Installation of projector using wire is very costly because VGA cable is quite expensive when it comes to using long length of wire. Currently there are many types of projectors such as image projector, movie projector and etc. This project is about sending data wirelessly using radio frequency from a transmitter to receiver. This project will be using microcontroller that is connected to a PC. There will have 2 c ircuit boards that have a microcontroller each. The transmitting board will be the place where process the data that come from a PC that is an analog signal and it will be kept first in the memory that is a static ram. Then the data will pass through an encoder that will convert data information into a standard format or code and transmit by using radio frequency. For receiver board, data that is receive from radio frequency receiver will be decoded using decoder to reverse the format to the original form of data information. Like at the transmitting board, data will be stored in memory first then only it will send to digital to analog conversion to convert it into analog form. Lastly the data will be send to a projector. As for this project, projector will be replaced to CRT monitor. This is because projector and monitor are having the same VGA pin out connector. The VGA pin out connector is a DE15. Aim The aim for this project is to design a device that will transmit signal from a laptop/desktop to a presentation projector through wirelessly. Objectives To design a device that will interface to PC and a projector wirelessly. To research of RGB signaling and protocol. To research of various types of wireless of technology. To understand the functioning of the presentation projector. Product specification Specification Project Microcontroller PIC 18F4550 Power Supply 9V Type of Wireless Radio Frequency Module Wire Single Core Weight 300 Gram Type of Memory Static Ram Table 1: Product Specification CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW Marketing survey Lindy Projector Server[1] C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorDesktopprojector server.jpg Figure 1.0: VGA Extender Projector Server[1] The wireless VGA extender projector server allow connection to a projector either by using wire or wireless LAN. This is best application for PowerPoint and other presentation. Its wireless connection support up to 100m. Do not need to swap VGA cable between laptops. Presenter just have to connect their computers to server access point through wireless. It is very convenient. [1] Panasonic[2] Panasonic PT-LB10NTU Projector Figure 1.1: Panasonic PT-LB10NTU[2] It support for most wireless cards and it has a great quality image when is in presentation mode. It is very easy to setup and friendly user. The disadvantage of this projector is that it comes with only 1 type of connection cable that is VGA. The projector can be connected up to 4 users at a time with broad support, fast and easy. [2] Dell[3] C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorDesktopdell.jpg Figure 1.2: Dell S300wi[3] It is very rare to find a projector that has a multimedia audio. It is a short-throw projector type that can be projected in a short distance. This product does not need to be calibrated before using. It is best to use in a small to medium size room. It has one wireless connector that is an embedded WiFi. [3] Canon[4] Canon LV-8215 Projector Figure 1.3: Canon LV-8215[4] This product has a few of advantages; one of them is audio quality. It is a multimedia projector that is why audio quality, image quality and resolution are its advantages. When it comes to such good features, there will always have a bad side that is its fan is noisy and also need maintenance once in a while. [4] Casio[5] Casio XJ-S46 Projector Figure 1.4: Casio XJ-S46[5] A DLP projector that uses a wireless adapter to connector between laptop and projector. It has a wireless adapter so that allow wireless connection. It is easy to carry to anywhere due to its light weight. The projector has digital zoom feature. [5] Overall Product Cost and Specification Product name Lindy Panasonic Dell Canon Casio Type Projector server LCD projector DLP projector LCD projector DLP projector Specification -Compatible with all Windows but not Mac -Up to 4 laptops can be connected -Quick and easy setup -Wireless connection -Up to 4 laptops can be connected -Quick and easy to shut down and start up -For small to medium room -Wireless connection -Short-throw -Has an interactive pen -Short-throw projector -HDMI input -Up to 4-1 split-screen -3D projection -High contrast -Has DVI input -Blackboard mode -Soft carrying case -Very light weight -USB port -Soft carrying case Weakness -Only VGA connection -Projection mode does not support wireless audio -Presenting speed and image quality -Overloaded and distorted at maximum volume -Very heavy -No digital zoom -Very heavy -No digital zoom -Low contrast -Uses high power consumption Cost RM1600.00 RM602.00 RM3000.00 RM1673.90 RM3526.60 Comments -Not a projector but a server -Fast setup -Quite expensive -Fast setup -Quite cheap -Simultaneously project up to 4 different user screens -Very expensive -not good image quality -Very expensive Table 2: Overall product cost and specification [1][2][3][4][5] Component D-Subminiature[6] D-Subminiature or can be called D-Sub is universal type of electrical connector used in computer. D-Sub has a lot of series that every series has different number of pins. There are DA-15, DB-25, DC-37, DD-50 and DE-9.[6] Figure 2.0: Different Pins Connector[6] Type DA-15 DB-25 DC-37 DD-50 DE-9 Pins 15 25 37 50 9 Table 2.1: Different type of D-sub From the table above, DB-25, DC-37 and DD-50 are not in consideration because laptop does not have this type of pin out. DE-9 has 9 pins and laptops do have the pin out but for monitor/projector, it only supports DA-15. Thats why for this project DA-15 will be used. DA-15 can be called DE-15 or also VGA connector is used because monitor and laptop both have pin in and pin out that support each other. [6] Microcontroller[7] Microcontroller is a device with hidden powerful ability to do a lot of thing. Nowadays most of electronic device has microcontroller inside them because it is use to process task. Due to its low voltage consumption and for its ability to run one specific program, it is usually chosen to use in project. The program generally is program by using a programmer and store in ROM (read-only memory). [7] Microcontroller PIC 16F877a PIC 18F4550 Basic Stamp I/O ports 33 35 16 RAM 368Bytes 2048 Bytes 32Bytes Flash Program Memory 8K 16K 2K Cost RM21 RM35 RM70 Table 2.2: Different type of microcontroller[7] From the table above, out of 3 comparisons basic stamp is the most not suitable for this project. This is because there are only a few I/O ports. It runs at a very slow speed and has small memory size. PIC 16F877a and PIC18F4550 is the 2 microcontroller can take into consideration. Memory[8] There are 2 types of memory which are volatile and non-volatile memory. Volatile memory is storage where when power is off contents are erased. This is because of RAMs volatile nature that is why user must use hard drive to keep their work as a permanent medium in order to avoid losing data. DRAM and SRAM are both volatile memory that currently have in market. Device like computer ram is a volatile. Non-volatile memory is storage where when power is off the contents that is stored previously will still be there. Devices like hard drive and CMOS chip are example of non-volatile memory. Currently in market, ROM, Flash memory, FeRAM, MRAM and PRAM that are non-volatile memory. Memory Volatile Memory Non-Volatile Memory Type DRAM, SRAM ROM, Flash memory, FeRAM, MRAM, PRAM Advantages -Mostly comes with a lifetime guarantee -Automatically store data -Data can be stored up to 10 years -Less costly -Data wont lost when power off Disadvantages -Data will lost when power off -Quite costly -User need to manually store data Table 2.3: Comparison of memory type[8] As for this project after analysis, it is best to go for volatile memory because this project does not need to store memory and retrieve after power off. After analyze and decided to go for volatile memory, there are DRAM and SRAM to choose from. DRAM stands for dynamic random access memory and SRAM is static random access memory. In this project, SRAM is chosen because it does not need to keep refreshed over time which DRAM needs a constant refreshing. This I s because DRAM store its memory as charge leaks which information needs to be read and written every few milliseconds. Memory X28HC256PZ-15 CY62256LL-70PXC AT29LV256-20JC Type EEPROM SRAM FLASH Mounting Through hole Through hole Surface mount Density 256k 256k 256k Operating Voltage 5V 5V 3.3V Pin Count 28 28 32 Number of Bits per Word 8bit 8bit 8bit Interface Type Parallel Parallel Parallel Manufacturer Intersil Cypress Atmel Table 2.4: Comparison of memory available[8] From the table above, most of the specification above is nearly the same. Memory that is produce by Atmel is out of consideration because the operating voltage is 3.3V that is not suitable for this project. The mounting way is surface mount making this project not that suitable because there is no equipment to solder it onto PCB. This memory has too many pin count too which cannot be supported by PIC18F4550. Cypress and Intersil memory are the exact same specification but the memory that is used in this project is Cypress memory. This is because Intersil memory is EEPROM type. In this project, it does not need to store any data after power down so making SRAM is the best choice due to its nature. Wireless Wireless is a transferring data method without using any wire over certain distance. Some distance is just a short distance and some can goes up to very far away. Nowadays wireless is the most communication way for telecommunication method. There are a few ways of transmitting wirelessly such as: Infrared(IR) Radio Frequency(RF) Bluetooth Wi-Fi Wireless Technology Infrared Radio Frequency Bluetooth Distance Short Vary Medium Line of sight Yes No No Table 2.5: Comparison of Different Technology There are modules available for this technology. From table above, this project best technology fit to use is radio frequency. Modules that available in market are: Modules Type Security Distance Speed Communication way Price IR module Infrared Medium Short Slow 1 Way Cheap RF module Radio frequency Medium Medium Medium 1Way Medium Zigbee Radio frequency Medium Medium Fast 2Ways Expensive Table 2.6: Comparing wireless modules From the table above, this project will be using RF module. Zigbee has a faster speed than RF module but from price and communication aspect, it is quite expensive and this project does not need 2 ways communication. This project just needs to send data signal to the receiver only. CHAPTER 3: Methodology General Block Diagram Microcontroller PIC 18F4550 RF module Memory Laptop VGA cable Monitor Figure 3.0: General Block Diagram Figure above showing the overall diagram of what this project has. Monitor will be device where it display whatever shown at the laptop. Before the display can be shown at monitor, the data signal need to pass through the output video graphic array (VGA) connector that has 15 pins which can also be called DB15. Memory is to store the data signal so that the data can be kept and synchronize before going to transmitting device. This is to make sure the data is send correctly. There will be also radio frequency module which will help transmitting data signal through wirelessly. General Flow Chart Start Radio frequency module Digital to Analog Conversion PIC Analog to Digital Conversion Display at monitor Get Laptop signal Figure 3.1: General Flow Chart The flow chart above is showing the way a laptop send its on screen image wirelessly to the receiver side which is a monitor. Laptop will constantly send image to microcontroller which will be kept in memory of its data to enable of synchronize when transmitting wirelessly. When it captures 7500 bits then it will send to encoder to convert into a standard format or code and transmit by using radio frequency. At the receiver side, it will constantly receive the data signal then keep in the memory. When it store up till 7500 bits, microcontroller will automatically synchronize into a code and send to monitor to display. Project Signal Overview Digital Digital Digital Digital Digital Digital R, G, B, HSync, VSync Analog/ Digital Laptop Microcontroller Memory Microcontroller Encoder Transmitter Microcontroller Decoder Memory Microcontroller Monitor Receiver Digital Digital Digital Analog/ Digital Figure 3.2: Signal Overview Basically this figure above showing an overview of what type of signal when it reaches at certain hardware. There are 2 places where analog signal can only be detected which are from laptop to microcontroller and before it show the screen of laptop user. This is because signal that comes out from VGA port has red, green, blue, Hsync, and Vsync. Hsync and Vsync are the only signal that runs at 5voltage which are transistor-transistor logic (TTL) signal. The color signals are analog. This signal will pass through analog to digital converter which microcontroller itself has the function. From microcontroller to RF module, all the signals are in digital. Before display the laptop on screen display at receiver side, it will pass through digital to analog converter because monitor is uses VGA port which are analog. Microcontroller Figure 3.3: PIC 18F4550 PIC 18F4550 is a low voltage and 40 pins microcontroller from Microchip. It is a flash high performance PIC which has two-speed oscillator start-up. It has 35 input and output ports and up to 13 ADC module. It has also 32kbytes flash program memory, SRAM of 2048bytes and EEPROM of 256bytes. Early few months ago, this project started out with PIC 16F877a. After some intensive of testing out to get output of image from PIC 16F877a, there is no image shown. Hence PIC 18F4550 become the next PIC to act as a microcontroller. This is because 16F877a with oscillator of 20 MHz, the speed of microcontroller couldnt match up with the speed of VGA cable signal. Now with this PIC 18F4550, oscillator of 40 MHz is used. In this project the port are use as follow: Port A (1-5) and Port B (0-7): This port A (1-5) and port B (0-7) connected to memorys address lines which are A0-A12. Port D (0-7): This Port D (0-7) is connected to memory data lines which are the I/O port. Port E (0-2): This Port E (0-2) is connected to memory control lines which are chip enable, write enable and output enable. All of this control lines are active low. Port C (4-5): This Port C (4-5) are vertical sync and horizontal sync. Port A (0): This Port A is the input of either red, green or blue pin from laptop. The color pin out from laptop is connected to A0 of this PIC is because pin A0 and pin A1 are the only pin available for analog to digital converter (ADC). VDD: This pin is connected to a voltage regulator which is LM 7805. This has to be connected to LM7805 to make sure the voltage does not go over 5V. Vss: This pin surely has to be connected to ground if not the microcontroller will not work. OSC1 and OSC2: It is connected to a 40MHz crystal. Without this crystal, this project will not work. Analog to Digital Conversion (ADC) Analog to digital conversion is a way to convert a signal from analog to digital so that the microcontroller can read the signal. After converting to digital, the signal will become either logic 1 or logic 0. Example on how to convert an analog signal input of 8 bit: x 255 = Voltage value per step Example RGB voltage x 255 = 35.7 Then convert into binary 35 = 00100011 (binary) Digital to Analog Conversion (DAC) C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorMy DocumentsMy PicturesIMG_0405.jpg Figure 3.4: Resistor Ladder Resistor ladder can be constructed by using a set of resistors of 2 values while another resistor double. For this project, resistor ladder is used as digital to analog conversion. Figure above is the fully constructed resistor ladder. It is a R/2R resistor network. This resistor ladder can increase its number of bits by adding more resistor network. To prove the ADC and DAC formula match, here is the example of formula. Example on how to convert digital to analog of 8bit: = Voltage value per step Step x Voltage value per step = Analog output voltage So from the formula above, now to prove the formula is correct by using previous analog result: = 0.0196V 36 x 0.0196 = 0.686V (approximate 0.7V) From the calculation, it is proven that the formula for ADC and DAC is correct. RGB Theory Video RGB and YCbCr are the typical digital signals. The typical order of decreasing video quality is: HDMI (Digital YCbCr) HDMI (Digital RGB) Analog YPbPr Analog RGB Analog S-Video Analog composite Video is always considered as continuous picture motion but actually it is a sequence of still images due to rapid changing that it looks like nonstop picture motion. The typical video refresh rate is 50 or 60 times per second for consumer video and 70 to 90 times per second for computer. The vertical and horizontal sync information is usually transferred in one of three ways: Separate horizontal and vertical sync signals. Separate composite sync signal. Composite sync signal embedded within the video signal. Most CRT based displays are still interlaced while LCD, plasma and computer displays are progressive. Enhanced-definition video is usually defined as having 480 or 576 progressive active scan lines and is commonly called 480p and 576 respectively. Interlaced and enhanced-definition is progressive is standard-definition. Figure 3.5: Progressive displays Figure 3.6: Interlaced displays Color spaces A three dimensional, Cartesian coordinate system is use to represent Red, Green, Blue that are the three primary additive colors. Figure 3.7: The RGB color cube The figure above showing RGB values for 100% amplitude, 100% saturated color bars. It is use for common video test signal. Table 3.0: RGB color bars Video Timing Background Every VGA connector consist of 5 main data signals which is needed to display an image. The following are the 5 data signals: Red Green Blue Horizontal sync Vertical sync Red, green and blue signals is an analog type of signal. This signals carry pixel data in it. Horizontal and vertical sync is to provide information of timing for the monitor so those monitors display the pixel data correctly. Figure 3.8: Horizontal Timing The figure above shows that the timing of the video data and horizontal data signal. The blanking interval means that there is no video data signal is been send. Every monitor will use horizontal blanking interval to check on horizontal sync pulse. There are 3 characteristics of horizontal pulse: Front porch Back porch Pulse width Front porch is to check on the delay of initial edge and the end of video signal of sync pulse. Delay of the first piece of data and the final edge of signal of sync pulse for the next scanline is back porch. Pulse width is the period of time that sync signal is asserted. Figure 3.9: Vertical Timing The figure above is video frame which also video data with vertical sync. Its basically the same thing with horizontal except for vertical then is video frame. VGA connector Pin Name Signal Direction Description 1 Red à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ Red data 2 Green à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ Green data 3 Blue à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ Blue data 4 ID2 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã‚  Monitor ID bit 2 5 GND à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ Ground 6 RGND à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ Red ground 7 GGND à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ Green ground 8 BGND à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ Blue ground 9 Key . No pin 10 SGND à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ Sync ground 11 ID0 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã‚  Monitor ID bit 0 12 ID1 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã‚  Monitor ID bit 1 13 HSync à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ Horizontal sync 14 Vsync à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ Vertical sync 15 ID3 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã‚  Monitor ID bit 3 Table 3.1: Pin Description Output signal from laptop Input signal to laptop Figure above is showing the pin description and the direction of the signal is going. Encoder Decoder Figure 3.10: Encoder 2262 Figure 3.11: Decoder 2272-L6 Encoder Below is a table for encoder PTC 2262: Pin Name I/O Description A0~A5 I Pin 0 to pin 5 is address. These pin is to encode and bit 0 to bit 5. Logic 0, logic 1 or floating is set by the pin A6/D5~A11/D0 I Address pin or data pin is 7,8,12,13. Bit 6 to bit 11 is to determine the encoded waveform. It can be set as logic 0, logic 1, or floating. When data pins is used then only logic 1 or log 0 TE I Transmission Enable. Active low trigger. Encode when ground or plug out OSC1 O Oscillator Pin no.1( A resistor have to connected between OSC1 and OSC2 to determine the frequency) OSC2 I Oscillator Pin no.2 Dout O Data output pin. The encoded data is sent by serial transmitting through this pin. Vcc Voltage supply Vss Ground Table 3.2: Encoder description Decoder Below is a table for decoder PTC 2272-L6 Pin Name I/O Description A0~A5 I Pin 0 to pin 5 is address. These pin is to decode and bit 0 to bit 5. Logic 0, logic 1 or floating is set by the pin A6/D5~A11/D0 I Address pin or data pin is 7,8,12,13. Bit 6 to bit 11 is to determine the decoded waveform. It can be set as logic 0, logic 1, or floating. When data pins is used then only logic 1 or log 0 VT O Transmission receive. Active high trigger. When logic 1 means receive OSC1 O Oscillator Pin no.1( A resistor have to connected between OSC1 and OSC2 to determine the frequency) OSC2 I Oscillator Pin no.2 Dout O Data output pin. The encoded data will be serially transmitted through this pin. Vcc Voltage supply Vss Ground Table 3.3: Decoder Description Encoder is use to convert the data information into a standard format or code so that it is easier to send. This can allow the data information to be compress into a code word. Signal Resistor Oscillator Resistors have to be connected to osc1 and osc2 pin at both encoder and decoder so that the resistor will set the oscillation. Below is the recommended resistor value for both encoder and decoder: Encoder 2262 Decoder 2272-L6 4.7Mà ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¦ 820kà ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¦ 3.3Mà ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¦ 680kà ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¦ 1.2Mà ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¦ 200kà ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¦ Table 3.4: Oscillator for encoder and decoder F = From this formula, the best suitable resistor value for fastest speed when transmit is 1.2Mà ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¦ and 200kà ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¦. Code word A code word is consisting of 8 address, 4 data and 1 sync. This adds up into 13 bits. Figure 3.12: Code Word Figure 3.13: Address/data bit waveform The figure above is showing address bit waveform that has been encoded. Radio Frequency Module Figure 3.14: Receiver Figure 3.15: Transmitter The radio frequency transmitter has 3 pins. From the figure above, the transmitter has 1 ground, 1 power supply pin and 1 data pin. Receiver has 1 ground, 1 power supply and 2 data pins. Both transmitting and receiving device have to be the same frequency so that the signals data can be send n receive. Every wireless transmission, there will be encoding and decoding technique that is vary from every device. Encoding is to ensure that the information that will be send wirelessly is secure as in security and not disturb by other same device that has same frequency. Memory (RAM) Memory which can be separated into 2 types which are volatile and non-volatile memory. In chapter 2 already explain what is volatile and non-volatile. This project uses 2 memory which are 1 at transmitting and 1 at receiving. The following are the pin definitions for this memory: Pin Number Type Description 1-10, 21, 23-26 Input A0-A14 are address inputs. 11-13, 15-19 Input/Output I/O0-I/O7 are data lines. It is used as inputs and output lines depending on the operation. 27 Input/Control When WE is selected to be low, a write is conducted. When high is selected, a read is conducted. 20 Input/Control When CE is low, chip is selected. When high, chip is selected. 22 Input/Control Output enable. Controls the direction of the I/O pins. When low, the I/O pins behave as outputs. When deasserted high, I/O pins are three-stated and act as input data pins 14 Ground Ground for device 28 Power Supply Power supply for device Table 3.5: Memory Description Software Flow Chart Transmitter Start Capture frame 8 times Write into memory Capture 7500 bits? Transmit wirelessly Yes No Figure 3.16: Transmitter First the laptop will send out bit of red, green and blue with the sync bit. This bit that is in analog will convert into digital once it reach inside microcontroller. Then the microcontroller will write the frames that is capture 8 times into memory. It will check has it capture 7500 bits or not if not then the microcontroller will keep on capturing. After that once 7500 bits obtain then microcontroller will read from memory and send through wirelessly at transmitting side. Receiver Checking for wireless signal Write into memory Receive 7500 bits? Display at monitor End Yes No Figure 3.17: Receiver The receiver will keep on checking for wirelessly signal. Once it obtains the signal then will write into the memory. The microcontroller will constantly check whether it has receive 7500 bits. Once it reach 7500 bits then the monitor will display image. CHAPTER 4: Analysis and Testing RGB Timing