Friday, October 18, 2019

Capital Market Theories Market Efficiency Versus Investor Prospects Essay

Capital Market Theories Market Efficiency Versus Investor Prospects - Essay Example One example of such services is information technology consultancy provided by the external auditors to their audit clients. This approach was an already existing policy of many good governance advocates. The huge scandals that involved companies like, Enron and WorldCom, who were associated with accounting frauds characterized by presentation of obscure, incomplete and confusing financial data and business relationships that had misled external investors, had suggested the necessity to introduce an act that will impose strict regulations on the accounting system all over the world, thereby giving rise to a robust governance framework. That being said, it is not surprising that following the scandals, the reforms that were brought in the post-SOX governance framework were mostly related to the process of auditing and presenting financial data. The largest dollar impact on the US economy was stimulated by the post-SOX changes made in the auditing regulations. The post-SOX reforms were directed towards eliminating and reducing relationships that may pressurize, tempt or influence an external auditor into acting in a biased manner towards their corporate clients. The underlying idea behind these changes was to render the auditing officials less likely to fall into the pattern of acting as reciprocating relatives. This was done in order to satisfy their interests at the expense of the investments made by the public. As far as the new audit related changes in the board of governance is concerned, the mandates had called for changes to be made in the managerial level in order to reduce any conflict of interest and interpersonal pressures. This reform was brought primarily because it would require the directors to act as judgmental monitors of management instead of acting as a reciprocating friend. In addition to these rules that emphasized on conflict reduction, other standards were also

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