Friday, July 19, 2019

Architecture Set In Motion Essay examples -- essays research papers

1. Bouffrand: Salon de la Princess, hotel de Soubise, Paris, France, begun 1730’s   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Salon de la Princess, is a many sided cylindrical interior room and is part of the Rococo style that incorporates minimal architectural features and light airy decor, that develops into a profession of interior design. Rococo is the revolt against complicated Baroque that decorated the interior of Versailles, in revolt against the palace and after the death of Louis XIV, French women who had city houses in Paris inspired a new lightened airy style of decor and architecture. As seen in the Salon de la Princess, the structure of the room has virtually been covered up by white walls of wood and mirrors, and it only contains hints of the classical orders and conventions, while conveying the modern concept of space free of major structural forms. The predominate feature in the room is the gold plaster decorations that adorn the entire space and within this is seen the main curving arabesque line that flows throughout the style and characterizes it as a free flowing for m of design, and makes classical references to the fantasy decorations used by the mannerist and found in the Roman villas, complete with cupids, garlands, and birds. Salon de la Princesse is the last major style before neoclassicism, but the free form of the style is a predominate feature in modern organic architecture, and redevelops in the late nineteenth century through the style of Art Nouveau, which is used by Victor Horta, in the Tassel House. 2.Hoare et al.: Stourhead, Wiltshire, England, redesign begun 1750s   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The â€Å"English† garden is one of the greatest gifts that English designers have contributed to the world of architecture, and the gardens that surround the Stourhead estate in Wiltshire England are massed with many forms of natural origin, and as containers of natural descent they incorporate curving elements, as in the cylinder, cone and sphere, however among the natural creations are manmade structures that contradict natures’ verdant burgeoning display of the curve, with structures that include the cube, or squared forms that makes for a cornucopia of forms both natural and manmade. The inspiration behind the English garden lay in the Neoclassical movement against the structural formality of the Renaissance garden landscape, and in England wh... ...oses of space. One main idea developed by Wright through his career is architecture set in motion and true to a living organism, like the three planes in Falling Water that seem to hover over top the water fall, as do the walls that wrap around the Guggenheim forming a structural cyclone, which is mirrored on the interior by a ramp that wraps around a central atrium and provides for displaying art work along the walls of the ramp, but proves to be quite unsuccessful because Wright as an egomaniac made certain that the structure is the main focus and the most dynamic art piece exibited, putting architecture on the same plane as the visual arts. As many of his homes influence modern day suburban America in the Historicism movement, the Guggenheim influences the Post Modern Movement, a theory in practice that believes Modernism failed and incorporates references to the past with sculptural freedom and clarity of form, as does the latest and most dynamic display of architecture to come out of the 1990’s, and direct descendent from Wright’s, New York museum, is Frank O. Gehry’s Guggenheim Museum(1997) in Bilbao, Spain, that Philip Johnson called, â€Å"the greatest building of our century†.

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