Sunday, July 28, 2019

The effects of alcohol on teenage Research Paper

The effects of alcohol on teenage - Research Paper Example Alcohol-related fatalities remain an important concern across the globe and alcohol abuse has been proven to lead to conflict and violence. Seeking to explore the ramifications of alcohol use and abuse teenagers within society, the following will analyze the negative ramifications of teenage alcohol use. There are many consequences of alcohol use for teenagers including health problems, an increased risk for accidents and anti-social behavior. Teenagers who drink are more likely to drink in excess and this can cause damage to the growing bodies and minds of young people. According to the US Federal Government, â€Å"Exposing the brain to alcohol during this period (under 21 years old) may interrupt key processes of brain development† and â€Å"alcohol–induced brain damage may persist.† (Hanson 2009). Long term effects of alcohol abuse include liver damage and impaired organ functioning. In addition to the health risks – not to mention hangovers and the ensuing effects of alcohol on everybody – young people are also more prone to take risky behavior while under the influence of alcohol. Alcohol use leads to drunk driving, accidents and other dangerous behavior. Injuries are common as people loose their inhibitions when drunk. Other social problems c an include poor grades, dropping out of school and a handful of other anti-social behaviors. Young people face a variety of challenges growing up and alcohol use can only complicate an already complicated existence for young people today (see Herd 2001). Hanson, Dr. David J. (2009). "Drinking Alcohol Damages Teenagers’ Brains". Alcohol: Problems and Solutions. Last Accessed March 23 2009,

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