Wednesday, July 24, 2019

HR Strategies for Employees Commitment and Engagement Essay

HR Strategies for Employees Commitment and Engagement - Essay Example In this quest, it has been an observation that besides external factors such as market environment, social and cultural influences etc, human resource management (Brewster, 2003, pp. 16-27) has become an imperative tool for employers to ensure their survival and more importantly, their organisational success in the market. In this regard, human resource managers are now having a greater responsibility of ensuring higher productivity and better performance of employees in the organisation. Moreover, a huge number of researchers and experts have carried out studies to understand the role and impact of HR management and strategies on employees’ productivity and performance. Such studies have indicated that various factors play a crucial role in increasing productivity and enhancing performance of the workers, and particularly, employees’ commitment and engagement dominate the list of factors. As the result, recent developments (Brewster, 2003, pp. 16-27) in the field of HR M are now looking towards different human resource strategies that can facilitate organisations in gaining commitment and engagement of their employees. ... On the other hand, employee commitment also falls in the psychological state of an individual; however, the level of commitment determines connection (Guirdham, 2002, pp. 339-345) of the worker with a particular job/task besides his/her presence during it. Experts (Kreitner & Kinicki, 2002, pp. 192-199) have indicated that besides engagement, commitment provides a psychological environment to the employees to acquire an identity in relation to the organisation without which the engagement remains temporary and does not transform into commitment that is essential for organisational success. The paper will now include discussion on various strategies that the human resource managers can employ to ensure both engagement and commitment of employees in their organisation. DISCUSSION Goal-setting It is an observation that organisations always expect maximum performance from the employees; however, they overlook the importance of goal setting and alignment in this process. Experts (Csikszen tmihalyi, 1997, pp. 29-35) have shown that it becomes very challenging for individuals to ensure their engagement to a task if they are unable to match their skills with the task. In this regard, the foremost HR strategy should be identification of an achievable and unambiguous goal since HR departments often forget to focus on these two characteristics of a job, which results in anxiety and subsequently, lack of motivation and engagement with the task. Beliefs and values play a significant role in every society, and therefore, during the setting and alignment of a goal, it is imperative for HR department to ensure sharing of beliefs and values of the organisation with the job task. HR managers often perform this step after selection of the employees; however,

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